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This is resource U56A6PN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/10 -2015 06:12:54

Ended:21/10 -2015 11:43:56

Checked:21/10 -2015 13:20:06

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 44.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Updates.swf-(9.02 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 10/20/15(Tue)23:51:39 No.2932111

>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/15(Tue)23:58:49 No.2932121

  >cutting off the last word

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:03:40 No.2932126

  The same people who complain about viruses

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:21:57 No.2932142

  Uninformed end-user pleb. Learn how to turn off automatic updates dumb cunt.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:24:12 No.2932143

  are there no options to keep from checking for updates in win10, or 8? not sure since i've stuck
  with 7

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:25:29 No.2932145

  >not knowing you cant turn off automatic updates on windows8
  >its literally impossible
  >stay with windows7

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:25:40 No.2932146

  i guess that answers it.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:25:44 No.2932147

  >you can't with 10

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:28:50 No.2932153

  Holy fuck you can't? I work with Server 2012 which is based off Win8 on a daily basis and you can
  change the update settings. That is the dumbest fucking thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:29:18 No.2932155


  maybe not? I'd look it up myself but don't care too much, since i'll probably never update my os.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:33:41 No.2932158

  ahhh, the birth of a 4channer

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:36:04 No.2932163

  found it

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:39:13 No.2932166

  He sounds EXACTLY like Trevor from GTA V when he starts yelling.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:39:17 No.2932167

  Windows 8 was what happened when Microsoft thought no one used PC's and thought everyone just
  used tablets and used them exclusively as time wasters where that kind of inconvenience would be

  Windows 10 is 8's red headed step child where Micosoft realized they needed to both make a
  horrible user interface that was "sleek" and also follow Apple in suit with how you have
  virtually zero control over critical aspects of the software.

  Because you can't fuck up what you're not even allowed to touch. So you don't actually have the
  ability to stop automatic updates without simply not hooking your computer up to the internet.

  What bugs me isn't that these companies did this- people are fucking stupid- but that there's
  literally no consumer advocacy group that's threatening to ream Microsoft out the ass with
  lawsuits for taking away user freedom without advertising it. You're free to do whatever stupid
  bullshit you want with your product but you also need to tell me these things before I buy them.
  At this point I am genuinely considering taking the plunge on a Linux distro and just going full
  autist rather than make the leap from Windows 7 to whatever deprecates it. This kind of change
  wasn't done because people were using woefully out of date OS's- auto updates are on by default
  after all- but because of some cynical decision made by Microsoft executives. I'm willing to be
  it's got some stupid angle like native advertising.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:45:17 No.2932172

  >building a new PC
  >I can just install Windows 7 and never have to worry about this shit because the only updates
  they'll do any more are minor security hotfixes.
  Feels good

>> [_] yee 10/21/15(Wed)00:48:27 No.2932175

  Yeah I have a developer CD for Win7.
  I can slap that shit on as many computers as I want.

  Thank fuck, too.
  I thought Win8 was terrible but Win10 managed to blow it the fuck out in that regard.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)00:58:44 No.2932183

  Windows 8 you can turn them off. Windows 10 you can't. All updates are mandatory on Windows 10.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)01:08:31 No.2932185

  >Download automatically but let me choose which to install
  >They install when the computer shuts down

  I am literally not inconvenienced by the updater.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)01:13:11 No.2932187

  yeah I've always either turned updates off or marked "just notify me when updates available"
  because why waste bandwidth on updates you wont install? I had a server go down on me once
  because updates were set to install automatically. given It wasnt my server, I wasnt the admin, I
  was given a task, that task required I restart the stupid machine, the stupid machine was
  supposed to be mirrored, the admin gave permission for me to restart the machine, and you know
  what? when the updates broke the machine and the mirror backup failed, the admin still managed to
  blame me

  fuck insurance companies. and fuck windows updates

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)01:15:31 No.2932191

  these days there's no more "no" option. only "remind me later". where's my no option.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)01:18:07 No.2932195

  He wouldn't have to worry about this shit if he just updated his desktop between tasks. It's not
  like he doesn't fucking know this will happen.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)01:28:33 No.2932205

  "Turning off" automatic updates in Windows 10 *is* technically possible, but it's a kluge - it is
  necessary to manually disable the updater service:

  Fucking pain in the ass, but that's M$ for ya.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)01:45:10 No.2932220

  Install Gentoo

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:28:43 No.2932250


  >there's literally no consumer advocacy group that's threatening to ream Microsoft out the ass

  Maybe we should start something.

  I'm sure that would be something Anonymous could actually get together about.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:33:06 No.2932252

  I'll get my Guy Fawkes mask

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:34:10 No.2932253

  >restarting in 12 minutes and 58 seconds

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:37:34 No.2932255


  Someone start a thread on /g/.

  This thread'll be gone in a few hours and we got no archive. It'll be more relevant there anyway.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:38:49 No.2932257


  >Implying 90% of the responses won't just be "INSTALL GENTOO."

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:47:58 No.2932266

  >implying 90% of those faggots even know HOW to install Gentoo kek

  This has occurred to me many times, and just as many times realized it's the same as draining the
  ocean with a sieve.
  Good luck, but I'd be on board.

  The market will vote with its feet anyway. Bill will fold a little when M$ shares tank.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:49:48 No.2932267

  >we got no archive
  /f/ was the first board to have a complete archive of all threads. Active to this day.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:51:56 No.2932270

  I'll never understand why people don't just update their fucking computers.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:58:20 No.2932276

  This. Security updates are a necessity.

  But from what I've heard, Windows doesn't give the user a choice as to when to install the
  updates, and since they still require a restart in order to install updates in the year of the
  lord 2015, they just turn the computer off. I think Windows 7 let you postpone the updates
  indefinitely, but as soon as you powered off the computer, the installation would start (and take
  up towards an hour). It's not really surprising that people give up security to stop this shit
  from happening.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)02:59:45 No.2932278

  But /f/ does have an archive

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)03:04:19 No.2932282

  I always shut my computer down before I go to bed every night, during which time Microsoft takes
  care of whatever updates it has queued up for me, so I never have a problem with it forcing me to
  reboot at inopportune times.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)03:05:57 No.2932284

  >and take up towards an hour
  Also, it only takes an hour if you're trying to update a month's worth of updates you've been
  putting off. Updates for me never last more than a few minutes because I keep my shit up to date.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)03:22:52 No.2932295

  >never last more than a few minutes
  Even that is too much. Why not just install the updates when the computer is on and reboot just
  to restart the programs? If I turn off the computer, it means I want it turned off this instant.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)03:28:43 No.2932301

  >not letting it do updates before you start rendering

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)03:47:01 No.2932304

  depending on what your rendering it can take several days, and with Microsoft forcing you to
  restart your PC as you obviously need bullshit update #450940 that does absolutely nothing, it
  can really fuck shit up. sure any decent render program allows you to stop at any time if there's
  an issue, but if you're not actively monitoring it you can lose several hours of rendering time.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)04:06:34 No.2932311

  What happens if you host-file the update servers? If I can block skype ads, surely I could block
  updates too.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)04:10:06 No.2932313

  What an asshole. He knows what's going to happen, he knows that eventually it's going to say
  "We're doing this shit now, motherfucker", and then he has the temerity to get pissed when it
  decides to throw down when he's rendering a video. This shit wouldn't happen if, the first time
  he clicked "Later", he simply turned off or rebooted his computer that night when he got off it
  for the evening to go to bed.

  Now his video is ruined. I hope he never gets it rendered. Serve the short-sighted motherfucker

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)04:31:24 No.2932319

  what is

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)04:31:47 No.2932321

  love you bb

>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)05:25:13 No.2932339

  Pretty funny OP but if you're actually having problems, try here:

>> [_] Meme 10/21/15(Wed)05:42:36 No.2932344

  this is the best thing that ever happened in my life.
Created: 21/10 -2015 06:12:54 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:21:50 Server time: 05/01 -2025 04:58:01