File: paintppl.swf-(4.11 MB, 500x375, Loop)
[_] I'm so baked right now... Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)06:49:44 No.2932364
I'm so baked that i forgot what this was in my folder and opened this and forgot how loud my
headphones where and this scared the shit outta me. fucking shit i lost the apostrophe key for a
solid 30 seconds damn.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)12:12:50 No.2932439
>tfw you've had an awful trip on acid that was just like this flash, except it was everyone you
looked at and their faces kept changing into dead relatives faces
Never again...
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)12:54:39 No.2932463
Set and Setting friend.