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This is resource V58ZV9N, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/9 -2015 22:25:35

Ended:17/9 -2015 03:11:17

Checked:17/9 -2015 04:04:59

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 24.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: proper_ending.swf-(4.8 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)16:23:43 No.2905728

  is flash kill?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)16:41:50 No.2905736

  rip flash
  long live html5

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)16:48:56 No.2905742

  flash provides things that html5 doesn't, there's no reason for flash not to live alongside html5
  happily ever after.

  the only thing that worries me is that Adobe isn't showing too much effort these days. luckily
  AIR is still pretty healthy so the swf player should receive updates whenever they do something
  with the AIR exporter.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)16:53:36 No.2905745

  wont be long

  >cpu heavy
  >corporate controlled
  >obsolete scripting
  its a goner

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)17:21:49 No.2905756

  It won't die until something comes along and kills Adobe's Flash editor. Animating vector
  graphics and making 2D games is just too damn easy with flash compared to anything else I've
  seen. It's super easy to make UI too compared to many other engines (cough Unity cough).

  ActionScript 3 is really not obsolete, it reminds me of Java and can do anything most people
  would ever need it to do, especially if you export to AIR instead of swf which is heavily
  sandboxed for security reasons.

  Just being able to create a stand-alone tiny swf file that contains everything is a big deal too.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)17:55:42 No.2905767

  This. Though it's glory days have gone by, flash is still relevant and useful, and probably will
  continue to be for the next several years.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:07:51 No.2905774

  Since it's so proprietary, I have a hard time seeing Adobe giving a shit for long once all web
  video dumps flash for html5.

  Flash's heyday is over for sure. It will survive only in the smalltime indie game/animation niche

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:16:22 No.2905779

  >Yea guys, Windows XP has so many vulnerabilities, no one is using it now a days.
  >Old televisions are so shit, why would anyone still use them?
  >Film cameras are stupid as well and digital is what everyone uses.
  >Vinyl records just don't have the benefits that CDs do, all the stores will close down.
  >Faxes are useless with e-mail there's no way they'd still be around.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:23:18 No.2905787

  Flash's golden purpose was never really video though, it just happened to be the best way to
  deliver videos. YouTube have moved on to html5, and that's fine because why wouldn't it be, but
  many other video sites will continue to use flash because why wouldn't they? Html5 provides no
  benefit, for them it would just mean a bunch of work to switch from flash to html5 and nobody
  would even notice. If it works don't try to fix it.

  Even if flash for the web would die --it won't mind you but let's pretend it would-- AIR is still
  going strong. One and a half years ago they could brag about 1 billion prograns using AIR:

  That's a huge number. Java is around 3 billion, for comparison, and they have a lot longer
  history. Just to be clear: AIR is basically flash but compiled differently.

  If swf did die off somehow I would only blame Adobe since that means they probably stopped
  updating it. People would still install the flash plugin though since they want to be able to
  play the thousands upon thousands of flash games out there and watch all that delicious flash

  Never forget that this whole App scene would most likely have never haven off if Apple didn't
  refuse to let Flash on their device. The reason has to be that they just couldn't compete with
  flash. Why pay for the same games on your phone that flash has provided for free for many years?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:30:40 No.2905790

  Adobe Edge Animate.

  I do agree with your point about the single file of a swf. With HTML5 you've got all the .js
  files and the includes and the html file itself. How would an /html5/ board work with all that?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:43:09 No.2905797

  it wouldn't
  /f/ will shut down and everyone will be finally free :^)

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:45:26 No.2905800

  Had never heard about Adobe Edge Animate so I looked it up. Seems like it doesn't support
  animating vector graphics at all? It has a swf export option inside Edge Animate but it will just
  embed a bunch of images inside a swf file.

  If this is true it is not a replacement for swf at all since animating vector graphics is one of
  its strongest merits (limitless resolution at minimal file size).

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:46:00 No.2905801

  Technology evolves over time, and old tools and platforms are replaced, if not always forgotten.

  I bet you someone out there is making the same argument for Java applets.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:47:32 No.2905804

  Flash creation I dont see going anywhere anytime soon, but the way its viewed will.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:50:26 No.2905808

  Java Applets were struck down by flash but I just haven't seen anything replacing all the
  features of flash yet. Something has to come along and replace the need of flash completely, on
  all desirable fronts, otherwise it will not disappear.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)18:58:17 No.2905812

  The flash niche will shrink, especially once default support is stripped from browsers.
  Eventually content producers will follow, unless they are funded for the expressed purpose of
  producing content in flash format (e.g. via Patreon)

  In most cases, webgl + javascript libraries atop HTML5, or a native app will reach way more
  people, and could theoretically actually make money, instead of investing time into proprietary
  and dying tech. Even if most tools aren't 100% feature complete with flash, I doubt it really

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)19:12:30 No.2905817

  We'll see won't we? I think it's too soon to call it a "dying tech" just yet, from what I've read
  online all the negative buzz is just people jumping on the train of thinking of someone else. "We
  have to replace flash with something worse that can't do the same thing that flash can. Because
  virus popup ads!"

  Killing a huge part of made Internet great for over ten years isn't a small task, especially when
  there's nothing to replace that part.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)19:32:53 No.2905820


>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)19:39:15 No.2905823

  Do people still use pagers? I'm not challenging what you are saying in your post, I'm just
  wondering. Pagers never took off in Sweden and I've only seen them in old American movies, maybe
  they are still used in USA.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)19:48:17 No.2905831

  Pagers are still very commonly used in the medical field.
  - It's expensive to outfit your staff with cellphones
  - It's difficult to get cellphone service to reach every inch of a big building like a hospital.
  - Doctors are usually dinosaurs and are resistant to change
  That's about it though. Nobody else really uses pagers anymore.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)20:17:50 No.2905854

  Cool, I never thought about that. Though if cellphones doesn't work shouldn't that mean pagers
  won't work too?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)20:50:20 No.2905870

  >TFW this flash doesn't play properly in Shumway

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)20:58:35 No.2905876

  Pagers have base stations, kind of like how cellphones have cell towers.
  Of course, that means you could just install cellphone repeaters instead of pager base stations,
  but like I said, doctors are old fogies.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/15(Wed)21:07:30 No.2905880

  I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about but i want in
Created: 16/9 -2015 22:25:35 Last modified: 17/9 -2015 04:05:45 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:23:54