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This is resource VB5AGYD, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/10 -2015 05:31:34
9.2 years ago.

Ended:22/10 -2015 13:38:32
9.2 years ago.

Checked:22/10 -2015 14:27:26
9.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: feels.swf-(7.34 MB, 720x405, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)23:26:05 No.2932915


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)00:28:42 No.2932957

  -Nope. Haven't finished Lily's track yet. Only Rin and Emi. ...and that damn Kenji incident.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)01:44:43 No.2933003

  Rin is the only true path

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)02:41:24 No.2933037

  Rin is literally worst girl

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)04:14:46 No.2933083

  dude, never date an artist then.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)04:33:43 No.2933097

  >dude, never date an autist then.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)04:56:04 No.2933105

  Hanako has the most adorable route.
  Emi has the best route.
  Lily has the best ending and barely loses out to Emi for best route.
  Rin is the route to go if you want a seriously cathartic ending that may or may not have you
  crying like a pansy-ass fairy.
  Shizune's route is in all aspects fairly mediocre in comparison to the other routes but still
  quite good, if not a bit drawn out.
  >check out these hot opinions

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)05:03:15 No.2933108

  But I am a ghost

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)05:19:19 No.2933109

  hanako has rape route
  shizune you get raped
  lily is best route
  disregard others

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)05:57:09 No.2933120

  Here's my own hot opinions all over your face

  Emi is best route: best writing, best gameplay (choices are actually difficult and meaningful),
  best girl

  Lilly is second because hottest ero scenes. Writing is ok. Choices are predictable.

  Hanako is well-written considering, but otherwise she is second-worst girl

  Didn't play Rin

  Shizune's route FUCKING SUCKS and I'm still pissed about it. Writing is way too long and
  incredibly shitty, and there is literally no interactivity until the obvious "fuck drillgirl?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:28:33 No.2933125

  Thought the Emi route was ...nice.
  Rin's route was an experience though, because it gave me insights into why people who try to date
  me kind of explode suddenly, like the protagonist keeps doing. Because I'm also an aut- I mean
  I am looking forward to the Lily route though.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:32:43 No.2933127

  Why must you do this do me so early in the day, anon?


>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:36:53 No.2933129

  Rin girl best girl

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:39:18 No.2933131

  Look i'll be honest, I never played KS because I have better things to do than court disabled
  girls for feels.
  But if the game is as cheesy as that first ending I am not exactly sad I missed it.
  Anyway not terrible, just as soon as he fell out the window with the slow motion glass it lost me.
  Although the neutral ending made me kek.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:44:01 No.2933134

  well, I guess every visual novel can't be "School Days"

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:45:01 No.2933135

  >doesn't get the reference to one of the greatest stories of our generation
  >scrub level

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:48:32 No.2933137

  >Implying I even know what that is.

  Implying that using someone elses classic but overused cinematography isn't cheesy.

  Look, this was not bad it just feels like every other feely anime post on this board.
  How do you expect me to care about some jackoff with no background.
  Don't tell me I should play KS I have a job, I use my free time to play more engaging games.
  If I want feels I will read a book.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:53:01 No.2933140

  Confused why you are posting in this thread if the subject matter is so uninteresting to you...
  Also, why AREN'T you reading a book?!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:54:28 No.2933143

  (For that matter, why aren't I reading a book?)

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:55:45 No.2933144

  rin's route is frustrating as fuck but had me crying anyways

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)06:56:09 No.2933146

  Because I already read for 2 hours today.
  I was browsing flash and I always go through /f/ a few times a day.
  I was simply stating my opinion, then it became a mild debate.
  Such is life on 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/15(Thu)07:36:50 No.2933162


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Created: 22/10 -2015 05:31:34 Last modified: 22/10 -2015 14:27:26 Server time: 10/01 -2025 21:53:10