File: Placebo.swf-(4.71 MB, 329x302, Loop)
[_] I dont think its working doctor Anonymous 11/10/15(Tue)20:40:49 No.2947925
Can I get back to the regular schedule? Cant handle the symptoms right now Im losin it
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/15(Tue)21:27:23 No.2947951
Doc, I'm still feeling the pain. Are you sure you gave me the right stuff?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/15(Tue)21:36:01 No.2947953
Well, if you say so, doc.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/15(Tue)22:10:48 No.2947967
Song name please.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/15(Tue)22:40:15 No.2947974
Shazam calls it "Ultimate Eternity" by Nomak
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/15(Tue)22:43:45 No.2947976
For all your night-time dosing pleasure,
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/15(Tue)23:39:34 No.2948021
I like this more than I should