File: (ノ^∇^)ノ☎------[](; ̄Д ̄).swf-(6.38 MB, 320x240, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)18:22:08 No.2932652
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)18:28:31 No.2932660
The anime is Sekirei, right?
Did a group do the whole season in parody subs like that?
I'd be interested in watching a series like that.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)18:34:37 No.2932665
This looks like Sekirei, but at the same time, certain things don't look familiar and I can't
quite place why.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)18:38:57 No.2932670
it is Sekirei
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)18:53:10 No.2932698
Some parts seem out of place because they are from the movie Jurassic Park 3.
You can notice them because of the depth of shading, amount of texture on the water from the
rain, and the distinct blue strobe light effect for their studio lighting.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)19:00:57 No.2932709
"When are you getting a real job" and "...this is where the call took place" get me every time.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/15(Wed)20:32:16 No.2932782
THE RIVER!!!...hangs up again I fucking swear that part alone just gets me so good.