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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource W0LQBGG, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/11 -2015 13:38:32

Ended:20/11 -2015 18:57:42

Checked:20/11 -2015 20:27:40

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 64.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: death2weeaboos.swf-(1.38 MB, 256x256, Loop)
[_] srsly fuck off Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)07:33:15 No.2955559

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)08:25:37 No.2955588

  Nice b8 m8

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)08:26:54 No.2955590


>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)08:41:24 No.2955601

  1. Don't rename flashes.
  2. >>>/f/rules/1

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)08:56:48 No.2955610

  While i hate renaming flashes, the rules do not explicitly state that renaming is a bannable
  offense, unless you count flash exploits to be renaming. It is more of an unwritten /f/ rule.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)09:02:33 No.2955611

  Thank you legendary superhero Captain Obvious!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)09:05:56 No.2955612

  Sorry, i assumed you were linking to the rules regarding the renaming. I failed to notice that
  you had separated the criticism of renaming the flash and OP's disregard for pertaining to
  japanese content.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)09:10:28 No.2955613

  *tips fedora*

>> [_] That's what SHE said... 11/20/15(Fri)09:29:44 No.2955617

  I wish this were longer.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)09:41:14 No.2955626

  I shoulda searched before posting.
  Also, the youtube username is "Pedo Necrophile".

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)09:47:38 No.2955629


>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)09:49:23 No.2955631

  what about posting already renamed ones?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)09:54:57 No.2955633

  Where do you think we are?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)10:01:10 No.2955638

  American image board pertaining specifically to japanese culture, active users are known as weebs

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:00:53 No.2955656

  Most flashes posted here aren't Japanese and a fair number of the flashes that are aren't
  genuinely liked. I know what /f/ is supposed to be but it isn't it.

  /b/, /g/, /gif/, /hr/, /k/, /o/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /v/, /vg/, /vr/, /wg/, /ic/, r9k, s4s, /cm/,
  /hm/, /lgbt/, /aco/, /adv/, /an/, /asp/, /biz/, /ck/, /co/, /diy/, /fa/, /fit/, /gd/, /hc/,
  /his/, /lit/, /mlp/, /mu/, /n/, /out/, /pol/, /sci/, /soc/, /sp/, /tg/, /toy/, /trv/, /tv/,
  /wsg/, /x/ and /trash/ aren't Japanese related. That's most of 4chan's boards. You could say this
  was a weeb site when it was starting out but you can't now.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:05:47 No.2955657

  fuck off

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:07:30 No.2955661

  You're wrong though, retard.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:07:58 No.2955662


>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:08:46 No.2955663

  Not that anon but
  No, you fuck off. /f/ is outdated as fuck, I'm still waiting that we get more than 10MB per
  upload since that's too low nowadays
  >You're wrong retard
  great argumentation buddy, now back the fuck off to some weebshit site or go back to your now
  containmentboard /jp/ or /a/ if you want weebshit only

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:09:12 No.2955665

  I'm right and you know it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:10:20 No.2955667

  >I'm still waiting that we get more than 10MB
  So you could upload even more shitty yt rips in that glorious h264 quality? take it to /wsg/,

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:14:39 No.2955672

  No, I don't want to comprimise my shit everytime or take the huge quality loss, it's one of the
  reasons why I got more inactive into making new shitty but original flashes
  many of ZONEs new flashes for an example have way more than 10MB which is why we can't upload
  them here anymore

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:18:26 No.2955673

  >if you want weebshit only
  Nobody wants "weebshit only". Just show some basic respect to the community you've joined,
  newfag. Around half of the regularly reposted flashes are what you'd call "weebshit", that's a
  reflection of the nature of /f/ (which is under the "Japanese Culture" section of the homepage, I
  remind you) and 4chan as a whole.

  I mean - what the hell do you want to post/see here which isn't "weebshit"? Besides the
  occasional ambient loop or game, the vast majority is just awfully encoded youtube rips. Is that
  what you come to /f/ for? Youtube videos? why not just go on youtube instead?

  You and I both know that increasing the max filesize would benefit almost no one besides the
  retards who use SwfH264. ZONE is the exception rather than the rule.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:19:22 No.2955674

  I forgot all the people who are easily riled up post on /f/. Good shit OP you got them! :^)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:27:35 No.2955679

  neither /f/ nor 4chan as a whole is for weebs. I guess you (>>2955661) didn't get it the first
  time. Read >>2955656 again.

  About the max file size limit - If more OC was posted on /f/ then an increase would be almost
  necessary. Because it isn't I sorta agree. But the current limit might dissuade people from
  making OC like >>2955672

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:42:13 No.2955686

  >neither /f/ nor 4chan as a whole is for weebs
  Literally read rule 1, idiot. Also, stop misusing "weeb" already.
  I've made plenty of OC flashes and never once even approached the max filesize. You have to be
  doing something extremely elaborate (like 0x40hues) to be really blocked by the filesize, and if
  you ARE making something that elaborate, chances are you'll find a way to circumnavigate it
  (again, like 0x40hues did). If you're doing a simple loop or vector animation or whatever and
  somehow hit 10mb you should learn2flash because you did something wrong.
  For years we've had 7mb and then 8mb as the limit, and every time it's been increased no "upsurge
  in OC" happened. The way things are, 10mb is a very comfortable middleground. It might be another
  3-5 years before another increase is really needed, and that's assuming flash wouldn't be dead
  and buried by then.

  You are the type of poster I dislike the most. 4chan has plenty of retards coming and going like
  the revolving door of idiocy which it is, but it's the idiots who try to change the place to fit
  their own specific tastes who piss me off. The /q/ dipshits who've been here for less than a year
  but are already feeling comfortable enough to start dictating policy and reforms. "Increase the
  filesize!", "ban 'weebs'!", "split this board", "delete that board!". Jesus christ, shut the fuck
  up already.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:57:00 No.2955694

  >Literally read rule 1, idiot.
  "Literary" read >>2955656 again. Most flashes posted here aren't Japanese and a fair number of
  the flashes that are aren't genuinely liked. Rule 1 is outdated and not followed ya tard. Btw
  note the word "might" in "the current limit might dissuade people from making OC". I'm not
  dictating shit and your opinions are clearly garbage despite muh seniority, fedora tipper.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:58:26 No.2955695

  >a fair number of the flashes that are aren't genuinely liked
  By who? By you?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)11:58:26 No.2955696

  Literally*, oops

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:01:10 No.2955697

  By /f/ags. You can tell from OPs and replies mocking them. You might not if you're autistic

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:02:28 No.2955698

  I have no fucking idea what your talking about, but every post you make just keeps making you
  sound like some underage nigger. Could you word your next post WITHOUT resorting to dumb /v/

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:04:45 No.2955701

  What /v/ memes? Lol. Anyway, nice counterarguments you got there, double nigger.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:05:32 No.2955702

  Every /f/ thread with more than 20 replies is guaranteed to be shit.

  If they were disliked they wouldn't be reposted in the first place and you wouldn't have anything
  to complain about. Stop projecting

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:06:00 No.2955704

  No, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? which posts get "mocked"?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:07:00 No.2955706

  OP you're clearly the minority here. Why not just leave?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:13:33 No.2955710

  Counterarguments, not complaints. There reposted because people get a kick out of posting them.
  Like the runforthecube YT rips and Xiao trumpet flashes.

  >No, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
  You've phrased that as if you'd already asked. Accept you're wrong. You know the flashes I'm
  talking about (unless you're autistic). It's basically anything that isn't hentai, Asians doing
  weird/annoying shit or direct, unedited rips from an anime.

  It's b8 m8.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:13:59 No.2955711

  >OP you're clearly the minority here.
  I wish I could be so delusional
  Ignorance is bliss.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:16:06 No.2955712

  >b8 m8
  Iunno, I don't really like your big cancer board memes here, could you please leave that stuff on
  /b/ or /v/ or whatever board you catched them from? It really doesn't hold up in your "arguing".
  I'm just talking about how you argue, not about the topic itself because I don't want to partake
  into this discussion.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:17:12 No.2955713

  This is a Japanese community with a large, varied off-topic sub-forum for secondary interests.

  This is how it always has been.

  If you don't have interest in at least one of those topics, be it anime, wap TV, wapanese vidya
  industry, then you should be banned forever until you shut the fuck up and stop whining.

  You faggots whining is like someone going to a car forum, going to the off-topic category, then
  screaming at someone for using a metaphor to describe their music tastes in the music sub-forum.

  Before you bitch and whine about how /f/ isn't weeb, yes, it ISN'T weeb, we fucking hate weebs
  just as much as most boards do.
  We like Japanese content as well as western, as well as our own mash-ups of both.
  We have always liked it like this since the start.

  tl;dr fucking kill yourself.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:19:19 No.2955717

  Rule 1 is outdated?
  I've literally never noticed any day where non-eastern content is majority besides where people
  have been shitposting about renames or raids or if the site died again.

  In fact, most of the "rule-breaking" content are those uploading their EPIC youtube rips. Fuck
  off to /wsg/ already. You got your video board with sound. Quit your fucking whining.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:21:35 No.2955719

  Hey this post
  seems to fit here in aswell

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:22:32 No.2955720

  How about you count the frontpage, faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:23:14 No.2955721


  I do like some animu and vidya but it isn't a mostly weeb site / "Japanese community". Look at
  the number of non Japanese related boards. >>2955656 ok to the rest of your post.

  Not whining though lol. Days where non-eastern content is the majority on /f/ is most days.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:27:35 No.2955722

  All of the boards in the right braces are the off-topic boards.
  Supposed to be, at least. That is how it started off at least back in the early years before he
  started adding non-jap boards for other interests people had)

  moot fucked his stupid bracket ordering up years back though, so many non-Japanese themed boards
  ended up in the main category and some being in the right (like /jp/ for fuck knows what reason)

  Not to mention the shit frontpage ordering system as well.
  There is about 4 separate board orders.

  I can't count how many times I told him to fix that shit, but he never did because "OOH NO CAN'T
  Hell, the only reason you faggots are even on here, discussing this now is the fact that moot
  caved in to letting you faggots have a place here.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:29:05 No.2955723

  If you'd been here for more than a couple of months you'd learn to just ignore all the "weebshit"
  you don't like.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:31:34 No.2955727

  >Hell, the only reason you faggots are even on here, discussing this now is the fact that moot
  caved in to letting you faggots have a place here.
  Well, many things change. And with change comes... change. It changes things quite up a bit. Like
  it or not but the change has been applied Y E A R S ago. So, just suck it up or leave if you
  don't like the change.
  Yeah Moot was a faggot but he also did things right. Hiro is doing a pretty good job now, better
  than what Moot shitted out the last couple years.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:33:31 No.2955728

  I'm willing to bet money that you started browsing after moot left.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:35:57 No.2955730

  muh seniority doesn't mean your opinions should be considered more important or better.
  Non-Japanese related boards being in the main category doesn't impact anything other than not
  aligning with your belief that 4chan is still about Japanese shit mostly.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:36:06 No.2955731

  Then you'd lost that money. I'm here since 2010 but I informed myself a bit how 4chan was before
  I joined in

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:38:14 No.2955732

  ITT: weebs get triggered
  good job op

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:38:27 No.2955733

  >I'm here since 2010
  Okay, simple test: on the upper boards bar, where did clicking the "@" send you?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:41:14 No.2955736

  The only things that changed is moot made this place insanely fucking word 2006 onwards when he
  caved to shitposting cunts from world2ch.

  That is what paved the way for you faggots to even have a home here.

  If snacks never went back on moots offer to be reinstated, you'd never have come here ever.
  But even he realized this place went to shit within a year after moot caved to shiit and his
  group of faggots.

  You have zero opinion on any matters.
  Not only did you not even come in the 2006 boom, you came in the WORST 4chan boom of them all,
  the 2010 one.
  All of you are THE reason why this site is shit now. All of you.
  Also, fuck your ED or whatever shit you read, you have zero experience of what true imageboard
  culture was like, you ADHD ridden faggots would have never survived in 2004 days.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:42:42 No.2955737

  Man, you're a really sad fuck. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:43:32 No.2955738

  lel. I shouldn't be typing when I can barely open my agonisingly dry eyes.

  I can't wait for Hiroyuki to bring back the good days of 4chan. Not glory days, it was still not
  great back then, but it is still a trillion times better than it is today.

  Then all we need it nazi moderation back and 4chan is fixed.

  Great argument, 20/10 I'd buy it for a dollar.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:43:52 No.2955740

  Succesful trole is le succesful

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:48:59 No.2955742

  >you ADHD ridden faggots would have never survived in 2004 days.
  I'm mostly only going through pretty slow boards like /vr/ or even /trv/
  >Then all we need it nazi moderation back and 4chan is fixed.
  Okay now I know that you're not serious.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:50:33 No.2955744

  >I can't wait for Hiroyuki
  You're in for a rude awakening, I'm afraid. You /a/ cargo cultists need to stop worshiping the
  mod team and the admin in particular. moot wasn't great, and so far hiro's been treating the
  place like the distant 2ch businessman that he is. moot picked him because he knows how to
  provide a good service to his users, but the guy doesn't understand 4chan at the slightest nor
  cares too much about the heart of the website.
  I don't believe for a moment he's made more than 10 anonymous posts, or that he lurks the place
  in his own free time. A lot of people on 2ch were warning us not to trust him and the "kawaii
  confused bunny" persona he willingly kept up. You'd be wise to listen to what they have to say.

  (not even OP, btw)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:51:28 No.2955745

  >what true imageboard culture was like,
  You mean reaction faces and macros everywhere, million of tripfags, memespeak in every post, sage
  bombs and even spamming "bad" threads with guro/scat.
  Well, at least we had no captcha back then.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:53:27 No.2955747

  Why do you still come here if it's shit? Also why do you care about muh seniority and muh true
  imageboard culture (you're a neet aren't you)?

  Posting guro is fun.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:53:51 No.2955748

  Obviously you have never seen the nazi moderation days of 4chan when people got banned for
  stepping out of line even slightly.

  snacks regularly did this.
  He was one of the few things keeping this site in line.
  Why do you think moot had such a fucking spergout all of a sudden and kick him off the server?
  Because he was jealous that people liked snacks more than him.

  I love how you automatically assume I am from /a/.
  I want 90% of /a/ banned. They are just as new as all of you are. And the worst thing is most of
  them even admit to it and don't care and take pride in being new.

  Also, most of 2chers that were whining about Hiro were fucking morons.
  They are /a/tier retards.

  Yes. Also, sagebombs was a newer thing. (2006 onwards, I know, I wrote most of the scripts to
  purge /b/ of shit, including bpost.exe)
  DESU spam wasn't even a major issue back then.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:55:11 No.2955750

  There's literally nothing wrong with being new as long as you don't act like a retard.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:55:16 No.2955751

  Because there are still a few boards on here that haven't been completely shit on, /f/ being one
  of them and I will die before I let you stupid fucks gain any ground here as well.

  I am also one of the archivists of imageboards as well, so it sorta comes with the jerb.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:56:01 No.2955753

  Do you want Snacks or CP back?

  Also, why do you think muh seniority matters? srsly

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/15(Fri)12:56:55 No.2955754

  Tell than to 70% of the website.

  Back then, newfag and oldfag weren't an age thing, it was a mentality.
  I've met people on here that have fit in to the core site better than people that have been here
  since 2004.

  Snacks never did that CP shit.
  Snacks hated CP too.

  It is trivial as fuck to fake screencaps of bans.
Created: 20/11 -2015 13:38:32 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:25:32 Server time: 05/01 -2025 07:53:54