File: oyvey.swf-(1.85 MB, 352x288, Other)
[_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)13:37:08 No.2925589
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)14:13:35 No.2925605
oy gevalt
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)15:02:10 No.2925636
what game is this?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)15:14:18 No.2925644
Superpower 2.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)15:15:01 No.2925646
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)16:53:34 No.2925714
antisemitic shit get the fuck out of /f/ and go back to stormfrount
>> [_] = 10/12/15(Mon)17:18:46 No.2925733
>STILL no swastika in the convenient white on red circle
It's like you niggers don't even remove juden
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)17:21:04 No.2925736
back to reddit with you!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)17:37:52 No.2925750
>Anon, it's time for bed sweetheart!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)18:30:27 No.2925788
I half expected an infected mushroom song for a layer of irony
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/15(Mon)18:42:10 No.2925798
That (bombing Israel out from the eart) actually would solve a shit load of problems, and also it
would bring down tension in the midle east.
Too bad that will not hapend soon, because Americans don't want their colony gone.
Eventually those fags will run out of credit tho, and then the Israeli are doomed.