Archived flashes:
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This is resource XPGR7VA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/10 -2015 09:05:50
9.4 years ago.

Ended:17/12 -2015 22:57:07
9.2 years ago.

Checked:17/12 -2015 23:03:06
9.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 7992

Age: 58.57d   Health: 1%   Posters: 8   Posts: 18   Replies: 16   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 20oct2015(tu)09:00 No.24750 OP P1

[IMG] dirty-penny-4.swf (418.1 KiB)
352x240, Uncompressed. 1161 frames, 12 fps (01:37).
Ver4, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 20oct2015(tu)18:31 No.24759 A P2R1

Dear god.

Bad OP. Very, very bad OP.

>> Anonymous 20oct2015(tu)19:56 No.24760 B P3R2

NG era

>> Anonymous 20oct2015(tu)23:42 No.24763 C P4R3

Have the full version in a single swf. Will post if anyone wants it.

>> Anonymous 21oct2015(we)02:24 No.24766 D P5R4

very bad: didn't fap

>> Anonymous 21oct2015(we)03:33 No.24767 E P6R5

> Will post if anyone wants it.
no, please, Keep that too yourself

>> Anonymous 21oct2015(we)08:15 No.24775 OP P7R6

Do want, please upload it

>> Anonymous 21oct2015(we)09:36 No.24781 F P8R7


You do realize we can see your ID, yeah?

>> Anonymous 21oct2015(we)09:42 No.24782 OP P9R8

So? I'm OP. Why do you even think that matters? I want the full thing in one swf. It's hilarious.

>> Anonymous 21oct2015(we)12:51 No.24783 F P10R9


Because you're talking to your own retarded ass, so either you forgot to take your pharmaceuticals,
or you're 12 to 14 years old, in which case I would politely request you depart from your mom's
fucking laptop.

>> Anonymous 21oct2015(we)20:27 No.24787 OP P11R10

You're obviously blind since you can't tell "C" apart from "OP".

>> Anonymous 25oct2015(su)09:19 No.24847 F P12R11

With these cataracts, I might as well be.

>> Anonymous 25oct2015(su)17:45 No.24851 OP P13R12

Apology accepted.

>> Anonymous 25oct2015(su)22:13 No.24853 A P14R13

If this is hilarious, or even hot, to you, you REALLY need to broaden your horizons. It's neither.
What it IS:
Poorly drawn
Poorly animated
Poorly voiced
I mean, for christ's sake, she's got a Gail Platt neck.

>> Anonymous 26oct2015(mo)03:24 No.24854 OP P15R14

Of course it's not hot and why the flying fuck would anyone think it's weird I point at this flash
and laugh...

>> Anonymous 3nov2015(tu)22:37 No.25066 G P16R15

Oh wow. This is fucking hilarious.

>> Anonymous 16nov2015(mo)12:01 No.25376 A P17R16

Because you posted it in /fap/?
Guess what you do with flashes posted here...

>> Anonymous 16nov2015(mo)18:43 No.25383 B P18

7-3. If it is clear that the thing was intended fapping material it should be here even if you
don't think that most people would be able to fap to it. Don't discriminate against shitty porn.

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Created: 20/10 -2015 09:05:50 Last modified: 17/12 -2015 23:26:19 Server time: 18/03 -2025 22:43:11