File: hitori bochi.swf-(261 KB, 500x281, Loop)
[_] friday Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)23:02:03 No.2946594
no control
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)23:11:41 No.2946598
saved for winter nights
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/15(Sun)23:37:38 No.2946613
I have a feeling that I'm going to end up like this soon
>> [_] Anonymous 11/09/15(Mon)00:19:39 No.2946642
thought this was >>2946528 this song for a bit.
definitely wrong.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/09/15(Mon)02:48:45 No.2946719
Not as good without the lyrics.
Knock, knock, knock
>> [_] Anonymous 11/09/15(Mon)03:23:18 No.2946733
'OH LOOK AT ME, I'M DEPRESSED'; fucking disgusting. Kill yourself, nobody likes you.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/09/15(Mon)03:26:04 No.2946737
Do you want to talk bro?