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File: Vaginal Knitting.swf-(6.13 MB, 480x272, Other) [_] Anon 2490713 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2490716 disgusting >> [_] Anon 2490717 blood >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 2490718 Is this feminist something or other? because it smells like feminist hygiene project >> [_] Anon 2490728 >># I think she's just a special flavor of crazy. Look at her eyes and how they track while she's talking, not horribly uncommon in homeless / institutionalized people. >> [_] Anon 2490741 >># This is what i like to call art school feminisim Essentially, they make a "project" which they claim is an expression of the following words: vagoina, actiivisim, feminism, vagina as anything other than a vagina, feminimity. But when broken down to the base elements, sounds disgusting. Ways to tell art school feminism: if replacing the woman with a man makes the subject disurbing, or uncomfortable for the audience; there are claims that a part of the female body is something it is not; lack of hygiene in part of the creator, bonus points if they obviously overlook it as if there is no problem; the meaning of the creation is impossible to tell without the creator present to explain the meaning, bonus if the explanation makes little sense in relation to the creation itself; the creation is an egotistical poece of work that directly relates to the creator without being a self portrait >> [_] Anon 2490742 >># places you can encounter one: starbucks, art school, not in any respected museum >> [_] Anon 2490745 >># >Ways to tell art school feminism: if replacing the woman with a man makes the subject disurbing [sic], or uncomfortable for the audience; there are claims that a part of the body is something it is not; lack of hygiene in part of the creator, bonus points if they obviously overlook it as if there is no problem; the meaning of the creation is impossible to tell without the creator present to explain the meaning, bonus if the explanation makes little sense in relation to the creation itself; the creation is an egotistical poece [sic] of work that directly relates to the creator without being a self portrait so by this definition, that artist that made six busts of his head out of his own blood isn't an artist this is why we need feminism >> [_] Anon 2490750 Melborne fags >> [_] Anon 2490752 >># That is correct. He is a fetishist. Next you'll be saying Piss Christ is art too. >> [_] OtaPanda 2490754 Guess she knits red wool one week every month... >> [_] Anon 2490756 this is anything but art >> [_] Anon 2490758 So if a vagina is 'just another part of the body,' and I accept the message, then this is just as respectable as shoving yarn up one nostril, pulling it out the other nostril, then kniting with it. Or sticking it in my mouth before I knit. The message only works if the artist is present to appropriately get the audience to feel ashamed about vaginas before viewing. This isn't feminism this is kinda the opposite. >> [_] Anon 2490775 >># a rather enlightened view for f, nice one sir/madam >> [_] Anon 2490779 I'LL PUMP YA SILLEH' >> [_] Anon 2490798 i'm gonna start my very own left testicle knitting company. >hire mexicans >film them knitting with wool wrapped around their left testicle >let them explain in spanish how a testicle is harmless,nothing s gonna come out of it and eat you ( with english subs ) >flamenco music in the background >its artsy >therefore expensive >??? >profit ! >> [_] Anon 2490812 >craftivist I love my city, but some of the people that come out of it ... >> [_] Anon 2490821 >># Make sure you give their cocks tiny sombreros >> [_] Anon 2490822 it looks to me like she doesn't put it in but justs keeps knitting the wool in front of her >> [_] Anon 2490825 lol... also 50 bucks that she doesn't actually stick it up there when not being filmed >> [_] Anon 2490826 >># oh wait, she shows off this and doesnt actually sell the thing as a main source of income (like selling used panties). da fuck >> [_] Anon 2490839 Is it bad that the only thing that bothered me about this was her bad dye job? >> [_] Anon 2490850 >performance arts "I'm no good with theater or art, but I sure can make people uncomfortable." >> [_] Anon 2490860 >># Just no people. Just, no. >> [_] Anon 2490866 Anyone remember the one where that girl had a balloon full of alphabet soup in her cooch, then she popped it and pissed it all over a tarp while saying a whole bunch of art school nonsense? And the crowd fucking cheered >> [_] Anon 2490868 >># I remember seeing a video that showed the aftermath of that shit, with a alphabet soup slupped twat dripping over a canvas. Fucking morons. >> [_] Anon 2490981 >># Yes. I know exactly which video you're talking about. |