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Quinn and The Five Guys.swf
6,19 MiB, 04:23 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[A9V5YQ7]F !!!
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 20/8 -2014 08:57:52 Ended: 20/8 -2014 13:59:40Flashes: 1 Posts: 62
File: Quinn and The Five Guys.swf-(6.19 MB, 848x480, Other)
[_] Zoe Quinn Thread Anon 2495508 Because mods hate freedom of speech
>> [_] Anon 2495548 >># Wait, so is zoe quinn threads banned on /v/ or something?
>> [_] Anon 2495551 >># The mods deleted this for a reason stop trying to stir people up.
>> [_] Anon 2495552 >># If it relates to /v/idia, (and it does), then it is legitimate. Now, if they are calling for raids, then it clearly is not
>> [_] Anon 2495553 >># I don't care why it's being deleted on /v/. Keep this off of /f/.
>> [_] Anon 2495558 >># Yes and they where deleted in /pol/ too.
>> [_] Anon 2495559 >># Thats fair. >># Well...its not really /pol/...and /pol/ is more of a containment board anyways. Its like /b/ (this is coming from a /k/ommando. The blog in the video description reminds me of my crazy ex, with the head games in "act one" I can relate 100%. Some girls will tell you they love you as they suck another guys dick. Its sad, but true. However, you can take solace in the fact that they will never truly be happy.
>> [_] Anon 2495561 >complains about how the game is done have nothing to do with games We all know it. SJW are a pain in the ass, and are NEVER satisfied with anything. But as long they are talking about gaming, it's relevant content for any site that...well, that talk about videogames. You can't only upload 100% gameplay and critic in your gaming site, because that would make your site slow in the news, giving more space to your adversary won 100+ likes talking about what Kojima eat last week. If is right or wrong does not matter. It's been done by ANY media by now. Robin Williams was not even dead and there are helicopters already covering his mansion. (continue)
>> [_] Anon 2495564 Why do people care so much? Some girl cheated on her ex, big whoop.
>> [_] Anon 2495565 >># It's /pol/ and /v/. What more do you expect?
>> [_] Anon 2495568 >># if thats all you got from this video you are a fucking moron
>> [_] Anon 2495569 >># I've got better things to do than sit here and listen to a TMZ gossip podcast.
>> [_] Anon 2495572 >># >NOWADAYS MEDIA IS CORRUPT Are you kidding me? The very birth of the so called "show business" was done by mobs and mafia. The TV world behind the curtains was always rotten, and the stories about it goes from Al Capone to Frank Sinatra. Nothing new here >I don't care about what that girl does So why are you so butt pained about her fucking 5 five guys in order to have a 11/10 score in her games? No one gives a fuck about those games anyway. In the end those SHOCKING news is like calling IGN paid reviews a scandal. No one gives a shit, and the whole internet makes jokes with their stupid scores already. Unless of course you really want to force a scapegoat and pretend feminism or whatever new SJW word of the week are in fact ruining videogames, and not the industry itself. C'mon, go read a Nintendo Power from 96, the journalism is even worse. If anything internet AT LEAST showed different opinions on games done by players, and nothing more
>> [_] Anon 2495574 >># >># Basically, the tldr, the "big whoop", is she slept with gaming journalists for good publicity and no bad publicity about her game. Its a journalistic eithical problem, which i understand. That guy with the ex, and god damn do i know this faggots feel. I mean, reading his blog is like a carbon copy of what happened to me. Even the travleing shit when i had to live out of state for a time. Even the "friend" staying over. I mean, like he said, you look back and were like, fuck i am a retard, but then you remember you were willing to make any logical concession to give her a way out, any explanation. Until you just cant anymore. Jesus christ, i feel...good man. Im not the only one.
>> [_] Anon 2495575 this shit wouldn't be happening if people stopped getting soft and white knighting for these brats.
>> [_] Anon 2495576 >># She is the perfect scapegoat. So why not beat a dead horse in order to prove a point?
>> [_] Anon 2495578 >># I dont understand how anyone can "white knight" for a cheater.
>> [_] Anon 2495581 >># She can say it's bullshit. Some people may believe in her. And then some other people might call it white knighting, because all woman are cheating bitchers. /v/, says so. They really have experience with this kind of stuff, you know
>> [_] Anon 2495582 >># pretty much every mod and admin anywhere that takes down anything critical of this bitch. and there's plenty of people trying to pretend she didn't suck did just so her shitty game could get greenlit.
>> [_] Anon 2495583 looped just when i thought this was getting interesting fuck feminism
>> [_] Anon 2495586 >># It has nothing to do with that. They get deleted because these threads are just shitposting. This doesn't belong on /f/.
>> [_] Anon 2495588 >># ow wuff wuw
>> [_] Anon 2495589 If anything I applaud her ambition. She does more to further her goals than most people on the internet will ever accomplish.
>> [_] Anon 2495591 >># so much shit posted on here is shit posting, why are you bitching about this one? good shills
>> [_] Anon 2495592 >># u wot m8?
>> [_] Anon 2495599 >># holy shit this is good to hear tip: listen to the post read at 11:53 if you anyone cant be arsed to listen to the whole thing
>> [_] Anon 2495613 Whether or not she slept with those guys, judging by her tweets she deserves what she is getting. But really man this has no place on /f/. It's not like anyone is gonna make the next big archive flash out of this or anything.
>> [_] Anon 2495615 >># Less about the cunt, more about Kotaku having so little integrity that you can get favourable reviews by offering your vagina to the writers.
>> [_] Anon 2495616 all these fags (or fag) going on about "this has no place on /f/" are hilarious. where were you when you with all the other shit on this board? there's been plenty of posts, within the last month even, that run in similar veins as this, like that one on why men don't marry or w/e. guys, stop trying to suppress shit, it's disgusting.
>> [_] Anon 2495618 >># why is this banned on 4chan boards?
>> [_] Anon 2495622 Relevant.
>> [_] Five Guys 2495625 >># To prevent spread. That bitch-of-a-whore earns more money from sympathetic idiot SJWs because she's under attack IT WAS FUCKING $1300 BEFORE THE ATTACK. GOOD GOD I'M MAD
>> [_] Anon 2495631 >Zoe Quinn threads on /v/ >people asking for information getting replies in caps that Zoe Quinn is dick sucking scum >90% of the posts are "raids" in capital letters such as "let's add this tag to a steam game that'll show her" Wading through this shit is awful
>> [_] Anon 2495637 >># /f/ - Flash >OP posted a flash file This does in fact belong on /f/. I don't fucking care about the "rules" of /f/, those are a joke. This board is for all kinds of flash uploads and always has been, if the rules were followed/enforced this board would blow and have about 1 post every week. We need flashes like this to keep /f/ interesting and if you don't agree you can go create your own flash board where you only upload japanese swfs and see how popular it gets.
>> [_] Anon 2495640 >># better than those let'splay faggots
>> [_] Anon 2495646 >># Dude, there is a difference between a payout and income. She may get that amount of money for a whole year. But she is done. The name Zoe Quinn is forever tainted. She could earn 10,000 dollers now, but will work minimum wage forever after. Do not be mad, for she has already lost
>> [_] Anon 2495647 Mods are fags. In their attempt to quiet this discussion they've just gotten outed as retards and made it worse for the entirety of the site.
>> [_] Anon 2495650 >># so much for Streisand effect
>> [_] Anon 2495651 >># He's saying I love you while sucking dick. Trust me I'm an expert.
>> [_] Anon 2495654 uuh, i doubt 4chan mods/janitors are actually trying to censor anything. they are probably just cleaning the board since a million threads about the same subject could get tiresome. however, they are doing it incorrectly they should pin one thread about this so people can discuss it somewhere and then just delete other threads created on the subject and if the pinned thread starts getting too big (thousands of replies) just delete it and pin a new thread. can link to archived threads in the new thread if anyone can be arsed to read through them. so while i dont think they intentionally are censoring anything they are wrong in preventing discussion about this altogether (just pin a fucking thread) wait...... did moot fuck Zoe Quinn maybe?
>> [_] Anon 2495660 Can somebody explain the ENTIRE situation to me, a person who is high? Like, begin from what was going on in the actual incident and what's happening in all of 4chan as a result for fucknose?
>> [_] Anon 2495662 >># truth
>> [_] Anon 2495665 >># Ahhh, i see.
>> [_] Anon 2495668 >># >ZQ published a game on greenlight called depression quest >wizardchan trolls the fuck out of her >she desperate and get help from kotaku journal >by sleeping with him >so-called journalist published 50 games on greenlight with her game as feature >zoepost created to expose her >MattMundane publish a video that covers her sleeping with journalist >She sent a false DMCA takedown of video, and matt's vid gone >InternetAristocrat come to rescue (the guy above) >GamesNosh support this story but immediately taken down >Shitstorm happened >1000 replies in 20 min on /v/ >mods start banning and deleting posts all across 4chan and reddit connecting with ZQ >Shitstorm intensifies >Tumblr joined force with 4chan and Reddit to take down the bitch >ZQ died down but people still assmad about her P.S.: Depression Quest is a shitty fucking game, but as long as you have pussy, anything can be worked about
>> [_] Anon 2495670 >># Aftermath: >ZQ takes shekels from SJWs >/v/ lost reputation from accusation of hacking ZQ tumblr acc despite ZQ herself fabricated the hack and doxxing claim >ZQ gone free because she sells her pussy to anyone
>> [_] Anon 2495674 I love video games and all, but why does this shit matter at all? At most it is just hilarious and like that guy in the video said. Video game journalism has nothing to do with gaming. Oh wait this came from /v/ damn I'm tired. /v/ is video game journalism in a way. Well only one way that I really know about and that's that it has nothing to do with video games. I'm so glad moot added in an actual board for video games that isn't spammed with shitposters talking about how bad whatever game is, or derailing the post. Feminists are just the result of deadbeat dads not giving them that fatherly role in their lives, so they get shit morals from their shitty mom who pays for all their shit with taxpayer money. Hell it could even be a cultural problem with how accepted it is to shit out kids for stupid reasons.
>> [_] Anon 2495679 >># >I don't fucking care about the "rules" kill yourself.
>> [_] Anon 2495680 Wait, so this shit is being done by people who think Kotaku had any sort of journalistic integrity? You people really, REALLY need to kill yourselves.
>> [_] Anon 2495681 >># >why does this shit matter at all? It matters because if left alone it will get worse. For example soon there will be no prostitutes in the GTA games because it made some women cry. Nobody would use their artistic freedom to create a game that they want because they are afraid of being shat upon by the gaming press and all the sheeps reading the press. The only way to stop this is to actually call out the bullshit. >I'm so glad moot added in an actual board for video games this is true. /vg/ was needed. but that doesn't mean threads talking about shit like zoe quinn doesn't matter
>> [_] Anon 2495683 >># maybe you should kill yourself instead? since you somehow agree with the rules of /f/ you are practically brain dead already anyway
>> [_] Anon 2495685 >># >He does it for free
>> [_] Anon 2495690 >># You're a fucking idiot. These things only happen if a company decides to cave into it, there'd be no actual rule against such things appearing in a game, just that it'd be stupid to market it to everyone. Also, you aren't even fucking stopping it, you just send so many rape/death threats that it's ridiculous.You want to complain that stuff that's degrading or violent to women doesn't have any effect on you and you think that this is how you'd get that message across. /v/ has made Anita Sarkeesian huge, not for her shitty videos, not for fucking TvW, but for the mountains of shit they gave her. All the complaining has only led to the one (usually a ) woman to receive outpouring of support, while the exact people they complain about come across as exactly as bad as they say.
>> [_] Anon 2495691 >># I should add that I don't even mind the jokes, but when people are seriously treating this as some kind of "reverse activism" I really do expect you're the same kind of autist who still stands in front of Scientology buildings with his mask on.
>> [_] Anon 2495693 >># this
>> [_] Anon 2495694 >># You think sitting there would help? She literally smeared her shit on the screen and bang her head on keyboard to make a shitty game called Depression Quest. Then she slept with the editor to make her shit game featured so it was greenlit. If you want to ruin video game industry forever, then just sit there and do nothing as people manipulate others for their own profit, in years there wouldn't be any good game left in this world
>> [_] Anon 2495696 >># >If you want to ruin video game industry forever What if I do, nerd? >posting /v/ shit on /f/ >getting mad kekkerino
>> [_] Anon 2495701 >># >let's just rolleye everything that's wrong and not say anything about it. im sure everyone can see that shit is wrong without me discussing it with anyone. after all, by saying negative things about someone i'll only give that person more power i think we all see who the real idiot is. also, when you respond by first calling someone an idiot it really puts yourself in a bad fucking position. my image of you while reading your post was basically a smug 15 year old that think he is right in all things.
>> [_] Anon 2495702 >># > ruin video game industry forever You're so fucking late. >do nothing as people manipulate others for their own profit That's what a business is, again a late welcome to the party >be any good game left in this world Because we all know old games just vanish and that there's not a single person who wants to make good new games. >># YOU give her that power, you do. Your discussion is mostly about how she's a slut, a bitch, a whore and so on and anyone reading it comes to one of two conclusions: 1) These people actually are dickheads just like she and countless others have been saying. 2) These people care so much about Kotaku articles? It's a Gawker site... For every person who actually gets into your shit, there's ten who then take the other approaches above. Also what's with the rest of that post, reads like a youtube comment.
>> [_] Anon 2495709 >># who are you quoting?
>> [_] Anon 2495711 >># >i think we all see who the real idiot is. Why bother speaking on behalf of others on the internet? If I wanted to call him an idiot I would have just posted.
>> [_] Anon 2495712 >># assuming "2495698" is supposed to be a quote of >># >reads like a youtube comment ouch, that's almost as bad as a 4chan post starting with calling someone an idiot. seriously, instead of taking anything in you still refuse to see the point in calling out bullsit when you see it and you even try to put me down further by saying my post is like a "youtube comment". you're such a dick.
>> [_] Anon 2495719 >># No no, you're not paying attention. There certainly isn't a point in calling out bullshit when the outcome of doing so is the opposite of what you wanted. I mean what, do you think no one will ever give extra attention to the work of someone they're sleeping with? No, you've got nothing to stop that. Do you think that ZQ herself won't have any future games reviewed for bloggers fear of people suspecting she's slept with them? Nope. Do you think ZQ will no longer make games? You've helped get her both emotional support and money and will continue to do so. That dox coming out originally did all the damage that could have been done, all that you fucktards have done since then is help convince other people to help her.
Created: 20/8 -2014 09:07:38 Last modified: 24/10 -2018 04:35:14 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:17:13