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Threads (1):
File: Corruption Of Champions.swf-(6.95 MB, 1000x800, Hentai) [_] Anyone got the latest Backer's TiTs? Anon 2509746 >> [_] Anon 2509792 Thanks to the nigger that uploaded this >> [_] Anon 2509831 >latest build is 8.14 >OP posts 8.7 >> [_] Anon 2509839 >># Since Fenoxo is retarded, 8.7 is .7 behind 8.14 >> [_] Anon 2509840 >># >># Sorry m8, you were shitting on him for posting an old version. My mistake. >> [_] Anon 2509841 >># Yo, That's not retarded, that's how versioning works. Two separate version strings concatenated by a dot. It's version 8, sub version 14. >> [_] Ivel 2509842 >># Expecting the ability to count is expecting disappointment. >> [_] Anon 2509849 >># >># Software versions aren't labeled like numbers with decimal points. It's not like how 4.5 > 4.30 on a number line; the dots separate integers, so 8.7 (8-7) is behind 8.14 (8-14). The first integer is for major updates, usually but not always things to do with the engine, the second number is for content releases, and sometimes there will be a third number or a letter for bug fixes. >> [_] Anon 2509851 >># Why not just go with build versions/revisions? Seems like the best way to deal with such hassles. >> [_] Ivel 2509858 >># I think you misunderstood me. I was talking about your expectations that other people can count in this fashion. I already know all about it from having to work with it on a daily basis. Still it's not far removed from dates and times so they should be able to grasp it, or decimal numbers in general, having things broken apart across periods. >> [_] Ivel 2509859 >># That's all fine for making it simple while working through builds, but doesn't emphasise the significance of a particular release when throwing it out to the public, for which the multiple value option is better (At least if the users can understand what they're reading). >> [_] Anon 2509892 >># Different builds used to be named instead of numbered, but that was shit to keep track of so the open-source guys got him to change it. Also, like >># said, it makes it easier to keep track of what is and isn't a major update. >># My mistake. |