File: DUM DEE DUM.swf-(8.71 MB, 528x304, Other)
[_] Anon 2514386
>> [_] Anon 2514451 There's so many fucking Mennonites near where I live. They always take their 10 children into Taco Bell and order like 4 family taco packs then roll out in their wagons. I'm amazed that the girl at the end there looked fuckable.
>> [_] Anon 2514473 jesus christ I know where he is too. Fuckin St. Jacobs
>> [_] Anon 2514483 >># Fucking best thing I've ever seen. Be taking a road trip across the country, Tennessee to Oregon. InnaMissouri at McDonalds. See some Mennonites pull into the drive through in a fucking Escalade blasting rap music. Hard core gangsta rap.