| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229923 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
This is resource ACOR3IF, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2966432/2hu Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15. Discovered flash files: 1
There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files). File: Touhou-Kappa.swf-(6.81 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] 2hu yee 12/01/15(Tue)15:20:02 No.2966432 We need more Nitori. >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)15:22:24 No.2966435 Someone please post nitori GEDDAN! >> [_] yee 12/01/15(Tue)15:23:34 No.2966438 >>2966435 If it isn't posted in fifteen minutes I'll upload it in this thread. >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)15:26:24 No.2966443 >>2966432 yiff in hell namefag >> [_] yee 12/01/15(Tue)15:43:56 No.2966454 >>2966435 >>2966438 https://i.4cdn.org/f/Nitori%20GEDDAN%20HD.swf Here ya go man. >>2966443 Love ya, anon. >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)17:44:21 No.2966537 >>2966454 Doesn't that flash upload your data to a server? >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)17:50:23 No.2966543 >>2966537 yep it is a total trap, avoid this flash at all cost (unless you like trojans an viruses) >> [_] yee 12/01/15(Tue)18:11:50 No.2966573 >>2966537 >>2966543 >check swfchan >hit f12 >he's fucking right I am moderately upset. Into the trash it goes. To clarify it isn't a virus, it's data tracking including system info like your operating system, locale, possibly your computer specs. Information gets sent to an external server. Sorry for the fuck-up, boys. Reminder that AMM is a huge fucking faggot for data tracking his anonymous /f/riends. >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)18:14:17 No.2966578 >>2966573 yiff in hell name fag >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)18:27:04 No.2966591 >>2966573 >hit f12 Why? where? What does this tell? >> [_] yee 12/01/15(Tue)18:27:07 No.2966592 >>2966578 Least I'm not a tripfag that makes flashes that send your information to an external server. >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)18:28:16 No.2966594 >>2966592 stop your niggerdly lying you kike cock breath >> [_] yee 12/01/15(Tue)18:32:00 No.2966596 >>2966591 f12 opens the developer console Using that you can see where the data goes http://not.shaaa.dy.fi/ >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)18:33:44 No.2966598 >>2966596 i hope some stuff cacti into you butthole until you die name fag >> [_] Anonymous 12/01/15(Tue)18:43:11 No.2966605 For those wondering, I figured it out. Open f12 and go to the network tab. You can see that a bunch of data about your system is sent to http://not.shaaa.dy.fi/view.php Fuck you AMM |