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This is resource AKGMQWN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/12 -2015 14:38:52

Ended:11/12 -2015 22:35:17

Checked:11/12 -2015 22:42:06

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 80.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: the sickly sweet taste of bullshit.swf-(7.95 MB, 720x480, Other)
[_] Scientology Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)08:36:31 No.2974522

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)09:30:12 No.2974535

  i prefer the flying spaghetti monster, its more realistic

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)09:32:07 No.2974537

  Praise be to His Noodly Appendage

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)09:33:50 No.2974538

  No less bullshitty then Islam.

  Ever read the origins of the Quran...?
  its painfully stupid to the point where only a complete fool could actually believe it has a
  connection with god/some power.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)09:38:53 No.2974539

  Honestly Scientology is incomparably less harmful/retarded then Islam.

  We should be making videos about the incredible fact that over a billion people believe in what
  is irrefutably the playground bully club handbook of an old, evil, immorall horny Arab warrior.
  THAT is truly sad and disturbing.
  Makes one lose faith in humanity.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)09:45:02 No.2974542

  >Ever read the origins of the Quran?
  you think I read scribble?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)09:45:39 No.2974543

  I disagree. Islam is the only driving force that can save the Western world from liberal

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)09:57:59 No.2974549

  Well then enjoy being a "conservative" slave to an oppressive violent unchanging religion.

  Why not just move to an Islamic country now?
  You can enjoy it right now.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:12:47 No.2974554

  No no, only women are slaves under islam. As it should be.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:18:59 No.2974559

  I still don't understand why you haven't moved to Iran yet.
  You can live your dream life in an Islamic society where women will be your slaves!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:19:02 No.2974560

  You do know that it's just the same origin of every other Abrahamic religion, right? Your
  comparison is dumb, we're talking about people who believe the only way to save themselves is to
  may a fuckton of money to rid themselves from alien spirits that got stuck in them after some guy
  called Zenu threw them all into a volcano. I wish I was making that up.

  Your opinion's about Islam aren't my business, but no one can compare with the retardation of

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:24:13 No.2974564

  The "story" of Islams creation is no less retarded then Scientology and the ideology itself is
  obviously vastly superior (though you'd be dumb to follow either).

  And yes while Islam plagarized from the religions of the time created before it, it still has its
  own unique origin and story of how it got here that is far more retarded then the other two big

  I am not good at explaining these things.
  Just watch this video.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:28:57 No.2974565

  Like I said, we obviously have different opinions about it but that's cool. Nothing either of us
  say is gonna change the other persons mind so not gonna argue.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:32:57 No.2974567

  Creation stories aside there is no worse or more harmful ideology then Islam.
  Why defend it?
  Scared of being called a racist?
  Bad things are bad. Call them what they are.

  Defending the cruel, hateful bully club rules of an immoral Arab from the ancient world isn't
  gonna buy you any favor with the real god (if one exists).
  He would probably just express pity/disappointment.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:33:57 No.2974568

  >I think raping children is ok. You don't. We obviously have different opinions about it but
  that's cool.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:35:41 No.2974569

  Why? Because those are third world countries. I want islam to dominate the first world so we can
  finally both have traditional values and high standard of living.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:37:41 No.2974570

  >All these opinions

  Look, what do you want me to say? If you get this salty over me not wanting to debate about this,
  how could I get a word in? I'd just be wasting my time, you're not gonna change your mind. Calm

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:41:24 No.2974572

  What about the United Arab Emirates?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:43:29 No.2974574

  I don't want a debate I want you to agree with the obvious objective facts and gtfo.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:43:37 No.2974575

  kek you ever stop to wonder why it is that a big part of muslim dominated countries are shitholes?

  but hey, you can still migrate, just go live in qatar or dubai for your "high standards" and 1rst
  world needs.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:45:15 No.2974576

  >objective facts

  I rest my case

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:46:29 No.2974577

  objective = true
  subjective = debatable

  learn what words mean bro.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:48:04 No.2974579

  damn i want to go to such a church right now for the lulz

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:48:23 No.2974580

  I know. You implied your OPINION was FACT. I put the bit you got wrong in capitals so you could
  see it easily.

  The funny thing is I talk a lot with people who pretty much share your opinion and sometimes
  agree. I'm open to listening, but you're clearly not. Have a nice day friendo

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:51:07 No.2974582

  I actually forgot what objective meaned.
  I thought I was wrong but I was right.
  How ironic.

  Anyway don't take this stuff so seriously.
  I was yanking your chain.
  I do personally hate Islam but it isn't like that is gonna change anything nor does it really
  matter on any level.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:51:30 No.2974583

  If you're in the UK Louis Theroux is gonna be releasing a documentary on it soon. Should be
  online if you're not, he's supposedly got footage from inside some of these churches.

  I remember reading an article where this guy tried to film there, he just turned up with a hidden
  camera and no fanfare and walked in. He got stopped immediately by some clerk who knew his name
  and said he was banned. Turned out they somehow knew he was gonna turn up and had him blacklisted
  for writing an article criticizing them. Scary stuff.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:54:54 No.2974585

  Who would even waste time on that shit?
  I live in NYC and I have seen like one of their churches.
  When I see one I just think of White people, scam artists and Tom Cruise laughing.
  I certainly don't fear them.

  Let the dummies enjoy their self help "cult" if they enjoy it...

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:55:37 No.2974586

  don´t missunderstand me; i don´t want to join and i know a lot about their bullshit

  but i want to see it with my own eyes and i want to get free coffee

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)10:59:11 No.2974588

  Don't get me wrong, I'm personally just interested in knowing more about them rather than scared
  of them. I meant it must have been scary for the guy, being escorted around inside a cult-church.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)11:01:30 No.2974589

  I'd worry the coffee was laced with rat poison or something. Just waiting for the day that they
  go all Heaven's Gate

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)11:04:37 No.2974591

  nah, i´m pretty sure that there won´t be rat poison
  they want my money so they will put some other poison in there and they will try to sell me the

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)11:13:08 No.2974593

  Scientology isn't a religion. It's a pyramid scheme thought up by a failed Western writer turned
  failed Sci-Fi writer turned prophet (or rather profit) that gets tax breaks.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)11:14:48 No.2974594

  and then tell you the antidote was aliens

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)11:21:06 No.2974597

  All religions are pyramid schemes or were certainly created to control people/gain wealth &

  Scientology may have a goofier backstory but its no different then the others.

>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 12/11/15(Fri)11:31:38 No.2974601

  I love how the bullshit of scientology gets deflected to the bullshit of Islam.

  Reminds of when trying to have a rational argument with a republican.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)11:48:57 No.2974610

  "I am a prophet. A prophet... Of profit!"

  Basically jews.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)11:54:18 No.2974612

  yeah they are both bullshit but when you have a 1000 pound Buffalo charging at you are you gonna
  waste time worrying about a tiny bee flying around that could if you were incredibly unlucky
  sting you?

  Why bitch about some little mostly harmless scam like Scientology when Islam is a global growing

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)12:10:22 No.2974618

  >certainly created to control people/gain wealth & influence.
  I do not think the majority of Christian churches would agree. The vast majority of churches run
  deficits, the staff underpaid, and typically are not influential because of the reasons related
  to the lack of wealth in a church (e.g. not a lot of devout people).

  About the only influence I have ever seen in my life from a church was a positive one on the
  community through helping out with kids programs, homeless shelters, missions trips to thirdworld
  countries, or even missions trips in their current country.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)13:27:11 No.2974645

  I love how he never replied after this post.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)13:29:05 No.2974647

  >people don't understand there's a difference between than and then.
  You know, when trying to have an argument where you want to be taken maybe mildly seriously,
  perhaps you should learn basic grammar first.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)13:31:10 No.2974649

  Typical American education at its best my friend.

  Not to mention "could care less", the champion of illiterate scum.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)13:42:51 No.2974651


>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)13:51:07 No.2974655

  Wow. There use to be unified hatred in here. Not it's just... crabs in a bucket, dragging each
  other down.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)13:54:50 No.2974657

  You also say goodbye to pork, alcohol, freedom of speech, and the vast pool of pornography we can
  enjoy. "Liberal degeneracy" is a lot more fun.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)13:57:56 No.2974660

  >43 replies

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)14:05:31 No.2974664

  XD lol epic post senpai XD XD XD :3

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)14:07:25 No.2974665

  Even during the times our Founding Fathers were alive we had all that good shit you listed.

  The bad liberal shit/progressivism/globistshit/Social justice nonsense or whatever you might call
  it is far more recent in our history and it can be gotten rid of without going full shitmode

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)14:18:16 No.2974669

  But the majority of Muslims ARE full shitmode Islam, that's the problem!

  The number of sane, non-violent Muslims are a minority. 900k of them are at least open to some
  violent areas of Islam, the rest of them are the sane ones. (there's like 1.3 billion if I
  remember correctly)

  The so-called moderate Muslims are the non-true ones. They are the ones that need to make a name
  for the religion they follow, because it definitely isn't Islam.

  I've never known a violent "Muslim", but in that context, I have never known an actual Muslim
  anyway. (I have a few friends and their families that would consider themselves Muslim)
  All the people going on about "oh Muslims are fine", "lol you ain't no Muslim bruv, epic Cameron
  quotes" and other bullshit are blinded and delusional.
  It's fucking stupid. They already don't follow the damn religion, make your own one, or fork it
  like has happened with most other major religions.
  There already IS multiple sub-religions within Islam as it is. (and there is like 5 of them, 1 of
  them is non-violent)
  They need to distance themselves from that shit entirely.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)14:22:33 No.2974671

  Oops, 900million, not k.
  Massive mistake there.

  And look at Christianity as well. That religion got forked and changed so much that it basically
  self-eliminated all the violent groups.
  There are very few violent Christians out there, and those that are were generally violent people
  to begin with, but also Christian.

  Every other major religion, even those that were horribly violent, evolved. They still are.
  Islam hasn't evolved since creation.
  It is pure violence, glorifies slavery and murder.
  It's fucking sickening anyone would defend following that religion.

  The people that think they follow Islam and are "moderate" are deluding themselves.
  They are so far removed from Islam it isn't even funny.
  Fuck man, there are some of them that I know that even eat pork and drink the alcihols. DUDE
  It just makes zero sense for them to align themselves under a religion they blatantly don't
  follow at the core, never mind even loosely!

>> [_] 3 12/11/15(Fri)14:26:43 No.2974676

  Good, take the bait. Let it flow through you.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)14:32:10 No.2974680


>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)14:33:12 No.2974682

  I'd walk in there just to find that my power level is OVER 9000!!!!!

  Then I'd walk out of their screaming 'I'MM GONNA GO TRAIN WITH VEGETA AND GOKU IN SPACE TO
  HOPEFULLY GO SUPER SAIYAN, FAGGOTS!' at the top of my lungs.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)14:39:46 No.2974683

  kekold is nice

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:00:23 No.2974693


>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:05:32 No.2974698

  no, autism works, only if the power level IS over 9000.

  If it is shown that it is not over 9000, then I'll continue my training with Master Roshi, like a
  good saiyan should, moron.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:09:53 No.2974702


>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:10:48 No.2974704

  Your worthless god doesn't like the fact that you visit this web site. Stop touching yourself,
  sinner. Also, whatever music you listen to he probably doesn't like either. Your hypocrisy is
  palpable. You disgust me.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:11:05 No.2974705

  so what is it?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:11:45 No.2974706

  never forget that according to scientology we are all clams from outer space

  boring explanation:

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:11:49 No.2974707

  *tips fedora*

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:11:49 No.2974708

  Your worthless god doesn't like the fact that you visit this web site. Stop touching yourself,
  sinner. Also, whatever music you listen to he probably doesn't like either. Your hypocrisy is
  palpable. You disgust me. Christianity is a blight on

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:13:26 No.2974709

  I am an agnostic with an interest in Bhuddism.
  Why assume I am part of the big 3?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:14:48 No.2974712

  According to Islam the female was made by breaking off part of a mans rib and then jizzing on it.
  How is that any better?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:14:52 No.2974713

  humanity. Theology is a waste. If your idea of an all-powerful being was capable of defending
  himself, god wouldn't need sycophants to do it for him.

  Simple, idiotic, dull. Sure, you are racists. Just own that. No need to cower behind a religion
  to hate on muslims. Just be racist for the sake of hate. Just be simple because you know you are.
  No need to hide behind religion to do that.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:15:52 No.2974716

  My bad. I replied to wrong post. I posted again below.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:17:30 No.2974719


  There is no god. The world will end by natural causes. There will be no judgement. Hopefully we
  can reach the stars eventually.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:18:35 No.2974720

  >you can't hate the Islamic ideology without being racist
  Really nigga?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:19:42 No.2974722

  I'm not a racist or a bigot.

  I hate everyone equally, religious or not, atheist or not, colored or not, or if you happen to
  have a vag or a penis or both or identify as a gender which you clearly are not.

  See, who said we don't live in an equality neutral society ?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:19:51 No.2974723

  >this whole thread

  /pol/ pls

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:21:41 No.2974725

  Jews created Muslims/

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:23:52 No.2974727

  Why only hate on a single religion? Islamic indoctrination is responsible for the setback of
  human progress in asia just like christianity is responsible for the setback of human progress in
  the west. It's all horse shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:29:05 No.2974728

  There is no other religion anything like Islam in terms of size/scope and no other religion is as
  apallingly foul, immoral and just evil in the world view it pushes it on its followers.

  I don't hate Muslims btw you said I did.
  I truly pity Muslims brainwashed under it usually from childhood.

  I wish to rid the world of the ideology not the people beneath it.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:32:07 No.2974732

  Well that last line isn't true.
  I am not gonna do shit about it.
  But I do think the world would be a better place without that ideology around.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:36:20 No.2974735

  I wish to rid the world of all ideology. It's wasteful, and does not move humanity forward. I
  pity all religious-minded individuals. They are wasting what precious living time they have on
  specious thoughts and magical notions. Nothing besides this plane exists.

  Continue conversation in /pol/:


>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)15:41:48 No.2974741

  > Iran
  Are is this a bait off or something? Please do NOT ever associate Iran with those ISIS
  neanderthals. Women are treated much more equal to men in Iran than in those shit eating Sunni
  countries. I honestly wish the Jews and Kurds would kick those extremists out already.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)16:10:04 No.2974754

  >islamic theocracy
  >high standard of living
  choose one

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)16:19:32 No.2974756

  the most comments i have ever seen on a video in /f/ so far

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)16:21:34 No.2974758

  well technically it's a flash but w/e

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)16:23:08 No.2974759

  please there have been threads that have reached well over 700+ repiles

>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/15(Fri)16:32:44 No.2974763

  christians too
Created: 11/12 -2015 14:38:52 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:28:55 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:47:06