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[_] 4chan Cup /f/ Team Roster discussion Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ 01/11/16(Mon)20:39:03 No.2996971
Well after a month long of voting and talking we've farted out what may be our roster for this
Winter Season. We say happy trails to Mormon Jesus, SWFants, and PPPPUUUU (Position was
deadlocked at 43 votes for keeping and removal and it was decided by myself and Smudgey to
replace PPPPUUUU with Koopa Girl)
We welcome Heap of Trouble back on to the pitch and Daily Dose is now promoted to silver as you
can see here.
Now we push the limit for player specific horns so if you want Daily Dose to be in the striker
position as opposed to midfield then please say so as historically Heap of Trouble has played as
an AMF but should either of them get Man of the Match regardless of position I'll be sure to have
their respective tunes played at the end of the match. We also welcome the White Hole to the
pitch as well.
We're still set for Friendlies vs /wg/ and /d/, details here. http://implyingrigged
On the edits for anthems/horns I'll get on them as soon as I get a day off to do so. I'm also
finalizing a few samples for a new /h/ anthem so stay tuned for that too.
What the hell is this all about? Check out the wiki for more info on /f/'s virtual divegrass team
and virtual divegrass in general
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/16(Mon)20:58:44 No.2996981
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/16(Mon)22:30:12 No.2997029
Put Daily Dose as the striker.
>> [_] Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ 01/11/16(Mon)22:35:31 No.2997033
It'll take some discussing with other /f/ellas but I figured this would be the case.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/16(Mon)22:36:44 No.2997034
Thanks Doc
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/16(Mon)22:37:31 No.2997035
Thanks doc.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/16(Mon)22:49:40 No.2997047
>replace PPPPUUUU with Koopa Girl
I missed the voting though so I guess I can't blame anyone but myself. Also thanks doc
>> [_] Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ 01/11/16(Mon)22:54:14 No.2997054
Sorry my nigga, but to myself and smudgey it didn't make sense to have two characters from minus8
flashes. On the bright side we've got the Isabelle blender head for future use whenever we see
fit so PPPPUUUU could very well play again sometime soon.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/16(Mon)23:44:54 No.2997081
>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/16(Tue)00:00:32 No.2997094