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This is resource BQUSOIC, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/11 -2015 13:50:15

Ended:31/1 -2016 04:27:46

Checked:31/1 -2016 04:34:06

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 8128

Age: 62.59d   Health: 1%   Posters: 12   Posts: 29   Replies: 28   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 29nov2015(su)13:42 No.25637 OP P1

I'll show you a white light.

[IMG] noodle_loop.swf (7.22 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed. 161 frames, 24 fps (00:07).
Ver24, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 29nov2015(su)17:13 No.25643 A P2R1

I wonder if the band members of Gorillaz has seen this and I wonder what their reaction was.

>> Anonymous 29nov2015(su)18:35 No.25646 OP P3R2

I doubt porn of their character is on their mind,considering how goblin esque the characters are.

>> Anonymous 29nov2015(su)23:01 No.25654 B P4R3

Jamie Hewlett has drawn some of his characters nude before, so I'd argue that. Pretty much every
artist is a deviant.

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)00:39 No.25656 C P5R4

This makes me more aroused than it should.

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)00:44 No.25657 D P6R5

Wish she wasn't so ugly in Zone's art.
Seen hotter images of Noodle done better by amateurs.

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)06:46 No.25663 OP P7R6

Huh,didn't know that,would be interested in seeing some of those if they're floating online

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)11:49 No.25670 E P8R7

Zone is usually very true to the original material.
If you've seen 'hotter' from other artists then these might have changed Noodle to look better.

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)12:39 No.25672 F P9R8

I just noticed this. where's all that juice coming from? it's too fluid to be cum...

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)14:32 No.25674 G P10R9

Umm thats not Noodle, that's girl came after she left

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)18:08 No.25677 D P11R10


Just a few examples of those I remember from the past and fapping to. I fapped to more from
exhentai that keeps her looking a lot like the original source. Noodle's head in general in Zone's
flash looks too horrible and looks nothing like Noodle to me.

Because of this, I can't fap to it.

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)20:34 No.25682 B P12R11

It's not straight up porn, but a few things he drew in Tank Girl had the main character naked if I
remember right. Just sayin', if you wanna draw people well you need to know anatomy, which includes
the fun bits. So going from drawing nude characters to porn, or at least being okay with the idea,
isn't that big of a jump.

Plus, there's been a history of well known artists who had secret (or not so secret) stashes of
weird fetish drawings. Always a treat when that gets to the public.

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)21:13 No.25683 H P13R12


I wouldn't mind a few examples since I'm not exactly well-versed in that area.

>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)21:37 No.25684 B P14R13

Osamu Tezuka is probably the best example. A few years ago his daughter found a stash of some
interesting drawings he made.

I think the lead artist behind Lilo & Stitch also drew porn. There's probably a few more examples
at Disney I'm forgetting about.

>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)02:36 No.25693 A P15R14

Jamie Hewlett confirmed to be Zone?!?!?!

Considering how many sexual undertones there are in 80% of all childrens cartoons I wouldn't be
surprised if all of them have drawn porn at some point or another. And that's fine.

>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)02:44 No.25694 OP P16R15

Oh yeah i know what you mean,like those rugrat drawings that are all kinds of fucked up.

>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)03:35 No.25695 I P17R16

Noodle never left the band and was never replaced by anyone. She is present during the story arc
for Phase 1 (Gorillaz) and Phase 2 (Demon Days) and was actually supposed to be the one who wrote
all the music for Demon Days and performed pretty much the entire song DARE. This flash looks like
it's supposed to be out of DARE given the red lighting and what not.

The only time she isn't present technically is during Phase 3 (Plastic Beach) after disappearing at
the end of Phase 2. Instead she is replaced by Cyborg Noodle who looks more or less identical to
Noodle but with a bullet hole in her head. Noodle then appears at the end of Phase 3 during the
unreleased Rhinestone Eyes video (there is a storyboard of the whole thing you can find online that
shows this) and apparently kills the Cyborg Noodle offscreen. Phase 4 hasn't been released yet.

I bet 90% of you didn't know there was an actual storyline for the Gorillaz.

>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)05:30 No.25698 D P18R17

I need a link to those please?
Any of Angelica?

>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)08:57 No.25700 A P19R18

>I bet 90% of you didn't know there was an actual storyline for the Gorillaz.
I didn't know this trivia. Is the story told via the music videos or what?

>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)20:26 No.25706 I P20R19

Music videos and interviews with the characters. Like for example Rhinestone Eyes just ends with
Noodle reappearing and looking down at Cyborg Noodle, and then later on there was an interview
where Murdoc says Cyborg Noodle goes haywire and tries to kill him and the real Noodle puts her

Noodle is also the only character who ages as you can kinda see throughout the different albums
where she starts out obviously a child in Gorillaz, is more of a pre-teen/teen in Demon Days, and
then a young adult in Plastic Beach. The artists said that they age her based on real time that
takes place between album releases.

>> Anonymous 2dec2015(we)06:23 No.25710 A P21R20

I see, so they make special non-music cartoon videos where the characters are interviewed?

>> Anonymous 3dec2015(th)02:31 No.25742 I P22R21

Sort of, I mean it's "real" interviews in the sense that it's real interviewers interviewing them,
it's just the interview is done with the fake cartoon character rather than the actual musicians.
Think something along the lines of Roger Rabbit or Cool World.

>> Anonymous 3dec2015(th)03:50 No.25746 J P23R22


Off the top of my head, I know they made an MTV Cribs episode, an interactive website where you
could explore their old studio, and also a number of audio interviews where Murdoc talks about the
production behind some of the music videos (like how he used the El Manana's filming as a ploy to
kill Noodle). I'm sure there are a bunch of little Easter eggs and nods towards these things in
liner notes, songs, and other stuff, not to mention in the music videos and music tracks themselves.

The music videos for DoYaThing, El Manana, Rhinestone Eyes (a canceled music video, only the
storyboard was completed), as well as pretty much all of Plastic Beach focus on the actual story
behind the band instead of just serving as music videos to the music. I think there were also some
animated shorts used for MTV (?) back in like 2007 or 2008.

>> Anonymous 3dec2015(th)12:57 No.25751 A P24R23

Cool beans

>> Anonymous 4dec2015(fr)00:21 No.25768 B P25R24

Seeing people passionate about Gorillaz, on a site usually used for porn no less, warms my heart a
bit. I'm excited for the new album.

>> Anonymous 4dec2015(fr)00:50 No.25771 A P26R25

Anonymous is complex. We're not all about porn.

I didn't know there's a new album coming. Come to think about it I probably haven't heard much of
their newer music...

>> Anonymous 4dec2015(fr)01:53 No.25772 B P27R26

Plastic Beach came out in like 2010, but the lead musician and the artist had a falling out after
it. They recently got back together and started production on the new album in September. They're
aiming for a 2016 release.

Plastic Beach wasn't as good as their old stuff, but Damon Albarn's solo album he released last
year was great. I'm excited.

>> Anonymous 4dec2015(fr)16:11 No.25788 OP P28R27

Speaking of plastic beach,SuperFast jellyfish is an amazing song.

>> Anonymous 29dec2015(tu)18:43 No.26363 K P29R28

IDK pre-cum?
Created: 29/11 -2015 13:50:15 Last modified: 23/3 -2016 02:59:56 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:15:02