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This is resource C2DOHNE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/12 -2015 02:20:39

Ended:14/12 -2015 06:58:53

Checked:14/12 -2015 07:53:57

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 55.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: God save the Queen.swf-(2.89 MB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] The sun never sets over the glorious british empire Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)20:16:18 No.2976354

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)20:18:18 No.2976357

  >My Country Tis Of Thee

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)20:22:05 No.2976366


>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)20:43:46 No.2976390

  It's an american song faglet

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)20:46:29 No.2976391

  >Bunch of kids praising God on their way to school.

  What was I supposed to prevent here?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)20:46:59 No.2976394

  It was their national anthem first.
  Apple doesn't fall from the tree

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:09:06 No.2976408

  good bait

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:27:24 No.2976421

  >none of them are british
  You don't see a problem?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:29:54 No.2976424

  No, they ARE all 'british'. That's the problem.

>> [_] Normie Scum !pFLTp2Po.w 12/13/15(Sun)21:30:10 No.2976425

  Here in the United States looking at Britain from's depressing as all hell. It's like
  watching a parent commit suicide.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:32:18 No.2976427

  well maybe in time the really poorly educated kids who worship a rock 5 times a day which
  represents some Arabic speaking sky foogle will wake up and stop believing in that nonsense?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:34:28 No.2976432

  I claim this thread in the name of the British Empire!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:37:03 No.2976433

  Doesn't matter what they believe. What matters is that they are here.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:40:12 No.2976434

  Normie Scum most British Muslims are good people the same as everyone else. I used to know loads
  of them in London.

  I think Chinese immigration is more of a problem, there are so many of them! It's crazy!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:44:47 No.2976436

  well one problem is that the world's going to starve before the end of the century due to a huge
  decline in energy reserves, as well as climate change and destruction of farm land. The more
  people are jammed into the UK the more starvation will hit. Also America will be pretty fucked
  with all the armed angry rioters wanting their dinner.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:46:03 No.2976437

  Ohh also much of the world will become too hot to live in, so there's a few billion hungry angry
  immigrants right there.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:46:09 No.2976438

  >mudslimes are good people
  That's why they rape thousands of children, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:47:09 No.2976440

  Will it hurt if I take the mask off?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:48:34 No.2976442

  BNP bullshit.

  No matter. Bobby will come for you, wanking faggot.


>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:52:34 No.2976443

  well yes there was that rape gang that raped loads of women for 30 years, but it's their culture,
  they all worship a gigantic rock inside an xmas gift and Allah makes their dicks hard, so they
  need to rape a goat or a women or something...

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:52:49 No.2976444

  Why are you up so late, Ahmed? Don't you fuckers have jobs to do in the morning?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:53:07 No.2976445

  Not sure if bait, but if not you've heard of the catholic church, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:57:56 No.2976450

  Pretty much all protestant here.
  But no, even the catholic degenerates didn't gang rape and torture thousands of children
  throughout the country.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)21:59:46 No.2976453

  In what way does not liking muslims make him a normie? Do you think using /r9k/ lingo will keep
  you from standing out?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)22:01:23 No.2976454

  No, some tripfag is called normie scum

  Fucking normie scum, lurk moar.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)22:04:11 No.2976459

  All religions are stupid. I know this because Mormon Jesus said do.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)22:07:22 No.2976461


>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)22:08:03 No.2976463

  >anti fucking muslims
  must be a Christian.

  fuck off dick pump

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)22:12:47 No.2976464

  I wish I were a Monarch. I'd do my best to be deserving of praise like this.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)22:14:43 No.2976467

  >Mostly good

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)22:21:20 No.2976469

  farewell old friend

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)22:55:56 No.2976485

  Muslims have nothing to bring to white nations except for terrorism, crime, welfare dependence,
  and the destruction of culture. You may think they're "good people", but the truth is that Sharia
  zones and Muslim rape gangs are already rampant in Britain.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:07:57 No.2976488


  fuck off back to /pol/.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:10:41 No.2976492

  Oh no, did I trigger you with my opinion? Nice Hitler dubs, by the way.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:10:42 No.2976493

  How are they able to say that without blowing up?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:13:54 No.2976496





>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:22:47 No.2976504


  the rate europe is going, if they either all get their heads taken off by snackbars for whining
  about "white genocide" or if they go full chimpout on anyone who looks half-brown, destabilize
  their country even further, and all go extinct within a generation I will just laugh, and laugh,
  and laugh

  cheers from the USA

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:24:09 No.2976506

  Alahu's ackbar is a spell with more than verbal components. You need special physical components
  to cast the spell, simply saying it does nothing.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:24:13 No.2976507





>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:28:41 No.2976510

  The white race still has a few more chances for peaceful redemption before the Day of the Rope.
  This is why I'm voting for the unstumpable God-Emperor Donald J. Trump, who will build wall and
  remove kebab.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:41:51 No.2976515

  This desu.

  It would be cool if we could then bomb the shit out of the mudslime yurop and claim it for

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:44:42 No.2976518

  Doctor failed.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:53:52 No.2976529

  White people can just feel perfectly free to disappear.

  World doesn't need them for anything, Jews and Asians can fill the void they leave within days
  and they won't even be missed.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:55:17 No.2976533

  Jews are typically white, anon. Judaism isn't a race anyways.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:56:55 No.2976535

  /pol/ pls go

>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)23:58:23 No.2976536


  White people refuse to see them as white because of how all-around hatable they are, so they
  don't count

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:28:27 No.2976564

  >White people are useless, we wuz kingz!
  Alright, get off the internet, get out of your mom's basement, strip naked, and build a mud hut.
  You wouldn't want to appropriate our culture, would you?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:29:49 No.2976567

  Jews are not white but they sure love to mix with white to streghen there genes but they still
  act exactly the same whether the usual zionist jew or the more common multi-cultural
  marxist/globalsociallist/communist jew that you see a lot in your more liberal"progressive"
  parties and cities

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:30:11 No.2976568

  Did you miss the part where he said "Jews and Asians can fill the void"? They did that shit too.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:30:44 No.2976570


  ...You've given me a lot to think about.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:33:50 No.2976573

  >Jews are not white but they sure love to mix with white to streghen there genes
  What exactly was "streghen"-ed? The only thing Jews got from mixing with whites is that they look
  more white now. Go back to /pol/.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:39:55 No.2976579

  Without white people:
  >no one buys cheap shit from China
  >no one gives Saudi Arabia oil shekels
  >no one wants to help niggers in Africa cure ebola
  >niggers and spics immediately overrun America after disappearance of white race
  >kebab spreads into new land, becomes majority religion
  >but at least you still have your shitty animu

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:43:02 No.2976581

  are u really trying to correct grammar on 4chan to give urself a small excuse to not admit that
  anyone is right listen kid if fact hurt your feeling and make u scream at people you want go back
  to reddit but if your tired of reddit i suggest /lgbt/ is how you say a pretty "safe space" but
  dont lie and say jew are white there only white when they want to blame a white group but when
  other say blacks want something " ohhh im not white im jewish" if your a jew or a liberal
  whatever the hell you call your self than just admit the truth your can always try to attack
  something else kiud like say white are slave masters or the uncultured or something but the whole
  jew are white aint gonna work and your offended like i said go to /lgbt/ its a safe space

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:43:32 No.2976582

  Why you mad tho? I don't really agree with him. I was just saying that wearing clothes and living
  in actual houses aren't "appropriating" white culture.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/15(Mon)00:54:23 No.2976585

  LMAO. That post is a clusterfuck but I'll try to answer a few things anyway.

  >are u really trying to correct grammar on 4chan to give urself a small excuse to not admit that
  anyone is right
  But you're not right. The only thing Jews got from mixing with Whites is that they can be
  mistaken for them.

  >but dont lie and say jew are white
  I didn't say they are.

  >there only white when they want to blame a white group but when other say blacks want something
  " ohhh im not white im jewish"
  I haven't personally seen it, but I agree that Jews might be picky-choosey when claiming to be
  white or not and I think anyone who claims Jews are white and then denies it when Whites are
  blamed for shit are pretty slimey.

  >your offended like i said go to /lgbt/ its a safe space
  I'm not offended. I haven't even reported anyone itt. Plus, /lgbt/ is cancer like /pol/. Both
  have extreme and poorly thought out views.
Created: 14/12 -2015 02:20:39 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:30:25 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:45:49