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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource DSKDDES, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/1 -2016 21:01:47
9.2 years ago.

Ended:3/1 -2016 03:22:50
9.2 years ago.

Checked:3/1 -2016 03:33:40
9.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: minus8 - Avelina blowjob (topless edit).swf-(2.17 MB, 600x600, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)15:00:21 No.2990328

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)15:36:17 No.2990344

  Minus 8 is really great.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)15:36:57 No.2990346


>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)15:44:42 No.2990353

  This kills the penis.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)15:48:01 No.2990356

  what is this song !! lol

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)15:52:11 No.2990360

  Black Betty 8-bit Rayman Legends

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)15:52:37 No.2990361

  Not sure what the original is, but this might be a version from rayman legends...
  Search for musical level rayman legends and you'll find it

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)16:09:21 No.2990369

  right here

>> [_] yee 01/02/16(Sat)16:53:59 No.2990398


>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)17:31:11 No.2990403

  >being good
  these plebs

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)17:37:39 No.2990405

  my dick don't care

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)19:33:15 No.2990450

  Goddamnit i wanted to fap but Black Betty started playing and i lost my shit

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)19:46:54 No.2990461

  I am so sick of these heart pupils.
  Way too overused.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)19:54:36 No.2990463

  Does it look like we give a darn :-)

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)20:04:26 No.2990469


>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)20:09:28 No.2990471

  You know, I could've sworn minus8 had also made an animated version of this picture of his in
  flash, based on another character from Rayman Legends (though she was also in Origins):

  SWFchan doesn't seem to be able to turn up anything either. I think I recall seeing it on his
  tumblr or something when it was still up. Damn.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)20:44:43 No.2990476

  >same three keyframes looped over and over to shitty music
  >no variation
  >no interactivity
  >no easter eggs
  minus8 is complete shit

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)20:56:04 No.2990481

  I fapped, so your opinion is invalid.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)21:05:17 No.2990486

  Considering this was done in a drawthread I'd say it's pretty great

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)21:15:18 No.2990491

  Says the neophyte.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)21:16:53 No.2990492

  >The inquisition of artist was almost 2 years ago
  Damn, time flies.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/16(Sat)21:19:50 No.2990493

  Inquisition of artist? What was that exactly? Googling it didn't give me any relevant results.

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Created: 2/1 -2016 21:01:47 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:38:22 Server time: 19/03 -2025 00:04:12