File: 023007757f0654a8c1a9907a96dc46c7.swf-(2.17 MB, 600x600, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)10:14:38 No.2991651
New Minus8
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)10:56:23 No.2991664
seen this on swfchan before, didn't know it was -8
coulda have guessed
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)11:41:43 No.2991697
>>New Minus8
Actually new... wow, impresive anon
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)11:43:26 No.2991699
>new minus8
fuck you negro. I got my dick out only to see a loop that was released on the 13th of last month.
This "nude" edit was released on the 14th.
But the good news is, I checked his 7chan thread and he really does have a new loop up.
And there's a dickless edit of it so I can fap.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)11:53:06 No.2991707
so what are you faggots gonna edit this tim
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)12:15:33 No.2991717
why do they have to make the dudes black? It kills my boner. Bestiality is a sick fetish
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)12:17:45 No.2991719
I've had it with your shit!
*pulls the Forgotten Stave of Ancient Court Wizards from robe*
*start channeling Mystic Violet Firestorm*
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)12:42:54 No.2991742
save it for the larp, man
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)12:45:49 No.2991745
live action roleplay?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)13:19:21 No.2991761
>new Meme8
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)13:26:39 No.2991767
because minus8 is a br-nigger. all the white artists quit or became furries because they feminist
sjws would always report them for cp or some other bullshit and get them fired from their real
jobs. Some negro in br doesnt have to handle that shit so he can make all the porn he wants.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)13:32:17 No.2991768
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)13:35:49 No.2991770
minus8 still drawing niggers instead of the titanium white
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)13:50:32 No.2991775
Your autism is showing
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)13:58:04 No.2991780
>tfw people exist who actually believe this narrative
Yeah man Gamergate was about ethics in journalism.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)14:05:47 No.2991782
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)14:48:13 No.2991797
>masturbating to minus8
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)14:58:01 No.2991803
what's the song name? resizing and swfchan give me nothing
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)15:04:56 No.2991809
nvm, realised it was a shitty remix of black betty
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)15:10:56 No.2991813
People who call anything they don't like a meme are retarded.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)15:18:46 No.2991820
>hurr durr gaymers gate
hey cunt. the left has been attacking people for being politically incorrect for the past 20
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)15:23:09 No.2991825
>>We just want to heal our country with certain diseases. The previous government implemented a
left-wing concept, as if the world had under the Marxist model only moved in one direction:
towards a mixture of cultures and races, cyclists and vegetarians of the world, which puts only
on renewable energy sources and combating all forms of religion. It has nothing in common with
traditional Polish values.,75477,19422953,waszczykowski-mowi-zachodnim-mediom-ze-polacy-ni
strange, does the polish forign minister support gamer gate? Or maybe its a global problem
perpetuated by leftists trying to destroy white people and white culture?