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This is resource E2KS1RI, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/1 -2016 06:35:35

Ended:26/1 -2016 15:45:42

Checked:26/1 -2016 15:55:26

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: VLC.swf-(9.83 MB, 640x360, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)00:08:33 No.3007831

  its not hentai

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)00:19:57 No.3007845

  VLC hasn't been like this for quite a while, but both mpv and MPC-HC are better than it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)00:23:44 No.3007849

  could this be the next vaporwave

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)00:52:28 No.3007869

  at the beginning i honestly started grooving to the skips cause they were in time, i'm
  disappointed this isn't a chopped and screwed mix what is wrong with me

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)01:19:21 No.3007886

  brb inventing new genre

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)02:38:16 No.3007986

  how does one fuck up things this badly? Teach me

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)03:02:27 No.3008002

  actually, it IS still like this, but your machine is good enough not to get the sniffles.
  VLC used to work even on a potato, now it IS a potato.

  Sorry, it's already been done years ago (and currently). It's called "datamoshing".
  Google it, it's a very interesting technique.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)03:26:45 No.3008022

  id make it so but im lazy

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)03:53:53 No.3008039

  Whaddaya mean next? This is vaporwave already.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)05:57:53 No.3008082

  fun meme

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)08:44:55 No.3008114

  1) Introduce a new product
  2) Listen to all the people who want your product to do everything all the time
  3) ???
  4) Profit

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)08:50:26 No.3008117

  >VLC users will defend this

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)09:27:45 No.3008124

  VLC? more like VHS

>> [_] Anonymous 01/26/16(Tue)09:44:25 No.3008126

  there is literally nothing wrong with using VLC
  all the problems it had with h.264 were fixed
Created: 26/1 -2016 06:35:35 Last modified: 26/1 -2016 15:55:28 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:27:17