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This is resource EZTQBFU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/1 -2016 06:31:32

Ended:5/1 -2016 13:23:31

Checked:5/1 -2016 14:55:47

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Birdmania Reach.swf-(1.63 MB, 480x352, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)00:29:00 No.2992078

  every day until you like it.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)00:33:54 No.2992080

  is this that same animator that did the secret room animation ?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)00:45:00 No.2992091

  But anon, I already like it

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)00:47:12 No.2992093

  I like it but I'll hate it if it means you wont stop

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)01:10:14 No.2992102

  yes, some japoman on nico or tudo or whateve japoyoutube is.
  Why is it so cute?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)01:13:41 No.2992104

  I want a rule 34 on these characters for scientific research purposes

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)01:14:10 No.2992105

  >sexualizing mado

  Get out

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)01:15:08 No.2992106

  i'll sexualize anyone I please, thank you kindly anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)01:15:08 No.2992107

  Madotsuki is cute.


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)01:43:28 No.2992118

  This fucking music is nostalgiaging me so bad, used to play that shitty Pacman game as a kid

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)01:56:39 No.2992128

  But I already like it, anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)01:59:12 No.2992129

  Yeah, this is some of the best stuff to come out of Yume Nikki in a little while. I thought the
  fandom was dying off, I wonder why this guy started making these loops now?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)02:26:09 No.2992142

  no need, all of 4chan likes it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)02:28:23 No.2992148

  Uboachan's still going strong, but it's more about underaged relationship drama and pityparties
  than Yume Nikki.
  The other video was narrated by Stamper which makes me think that whoever's making them has a few
  connections in animation. They're initially posted on before being posted to Youtube
  by a Spanish weaboo. The videos were made in 2014 as a ten year anniversary celebration of the
  game's release. The renewed interest in the animations are probably because they're being
  reposted on Youtube. Looking around Youtube, seems there's still a pretty huge Japanese fanbase
  for the game after almost a decade since the final update.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)02:30:09 No.2992150

  More than a decade since it was made? Wow, I feel old.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)02:48:57 No.2992164

  Well the Stamper one is just reusing a track from Battleblock Theater so whoever animated it just
  animated it to match the track.

  And in playing that game, I never realized how ludicrously long that track is. Just, why. Why.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)03:04:47 No.2992168

  I already love it, anon, but do keep going. It's appreciated.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)03:16:50 No.2992173

  i cant believe i was able to instantly recognize that music because ive only played a couple
  times like 8 years ago

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)05:25:45 No.2992209


  That game was old, but gold.

  Fuck that last space level tho, shooter ayy lmao was too hard.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)05:38:32 No.2992214


  maybe it's because I don't follow the fandom of Yume Nikki closely but both flashes don't seem to
  capture anything from the game and instead throw retarded singing or super happy songs over
  sprites dancing and I just don't understand what they're going for at all or why these are
  entertaining to anyone

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)05:58:53 No.2992221


  Its a pacman song, Buccaner Beach i think.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)07:16:46 No.2992240

  I guess if you want to be cynical you could say this is an artist using the game's characters to
  boost popularity. (The characters in the fandom - the game itself had very minimalistic

  But you can't deny that dancing animation is super sweet.

  Is it bad for an artist to shortcut character design and marketing to showcase the animations to
  a ready-made audience? I don't think so, but I can understand why you'd disagree.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/16(Tue)07:21:08 No.2992242

  best song on that game
Created: 5/1 -2016 06:31:32 Last modified: 5/1 -2016 14:55:55 Server time: 08/09 -2024 01:25:36