File: Time for a Change.swf-(3.41 MB, 320x200, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/30/16(Sat)21:28:05 No.3011246
Anyone can have hatred in their hearts. But, if you had the chance to use love instead, would you
take it and go for something better?
Because, in the end, with hate, you'll just be alone and only left to hate the one person you can.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/16(Sat)21:39:24 No.3011252
Naw man i aint a faggot like you
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/16(Sat)21:44:45 No.3011257
Hah, you don't even know who I am bud.
How can you tell if I'm a faggot from a few words?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/16(Sat)21:49:20 No.3011260
because you're on 4chan
on /f/
posting a song with blank screen with .swf extension spewing pretentious shit
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/16(Sat)21:55:21 No.3011263