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Happy New Year!

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This is resource FY6PKVN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/1 -2016 07:41:22

Ended:7/1 -2016 10:37:52

Checked:7/1 -2016 13:11:36

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: burning up for you!.swf-(8.55 MB, 672x636, Other)
[_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)01:39:20 No.2993298

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)01:42:43 No.2993301

  >Shitty Tumblr comments, might be technically against the rules for advertising
  >Also fuck Tumblr

  >Not using Blue Oyster Cult's "I'm Burnin' For You"

  3/10, at least it's not Potato Knishes

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)03:35:08 No.2993339

  Anon, I'm not saying this is a good flash, but you do need to fuck off about the music. Initial D
  is god tier.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)03:42:19 No.2993343

  the fucking music makes this so hard to take seriously

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)03:56:31 No.2993351


  Fuck you.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)03:57:02 No.2993352

  It does... and the tire screeching noises that seem to match make it funnier somehow. :P

  Initial D is God Tier anime, yea.

  Is it weird that I hope to get to do this one day? Drive through a firey country side like this.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:06:12 No.2993357

  Call me inexperienced or stupid or whatever.
  But that would've been an awesome road trip. If I were that guy, I'd even slow down a bit.
  I don't care if walking or driving, I want to see this in person someday.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:15:35 No.2993364

  You would have literally burned.

  I'm assuming that guy had a car with a good cooling system too, otherwise that car might not have
  made it. The temperature in there was probably around 180F or higher.

  Slowing down, would probably not be desirable in that situation. :P

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:32:07 No.2993372

  Well, fuck me.
  How was he able to breathe, then? I assume that at those temps, (1) the engine would've
  overheated, moreso if you're revving it to accelerate, (2) the air would be unbreathable, and
  using A/C would've just worsened (1) and, (3) carbon monoxide would've at least dazed the guy.
  Since the forest is actually still burning without spewing tons of black smoke, I assume oxygen
  was available. 180F sounds way above operational conditions. Perhaps lower?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/16(Thu)04:35:02 No.2993375

  However, I should mention this:
  Yeah, the guy got lucky. 180F doesn't sound far fetched now.
  I still want to see this, anyways.
Created: 7/1 -2016 07:41:22 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:38:38 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:11:28