/ > /fap/ > Thread 8135
Age: 16.96d Health: 33% Posters: 13 Posts: 17 Replies: 13 Files: 2+2
>> Anonymous 30nov2015(mo)23:30 No.25687 OP P1
Non audio version
[IMG] Bunbun Jerking Off.swf (10.87 MiB)
678x630, Uncompressed. 334 frames, 25 fps (00:13).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: Yes.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)06:31 No.25699 A P2
This board is for fappable flashes.
>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)16:57 No.25701 B P3R1
>sage is a down-vote
This board is for INTENDED fap material.
If you find it fappable or not is completely irrelevant.
>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)18:54 No.25703 C P4R2
>flash of a guy literally fapping posted on a board called /fap/
>"it doesn't belong here"
>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)20:11 No.25705 D P5R3
Please kill yourself.
>> Anonymous 1dec2015(tu)22:26 No.25707 E P6R4
Sensitive much?
>> Anonymous 2dec2015(we)03:29 No.25709 A P7
Get with the times grandpa
I bet you still think bumping is called an age you fucking faggot
>> Anonymous 2dec2015(we)06:29 No.25712 F P8R5
>ayy im gay and i feeind this hawt
i dont care but please stop being so self-centered fucks homosexuals are only relevant because they
bother the common man
>> Scud 2dec2015(we)06:58 No.25713 G P9R6
I'm not gay, but the animation is quite charming
>> Anonymous 2dec2015(we)08:26 No.25715 H P10R7
I'm not gay but I just like to fucking watch guys jerk off and imagine them thrusting their dick in
and out of my mouth until they suddenly ejaculate a fucking mountain of their bodily fluids down my
throat. But I'm not gay.
>> Anonymous 2dec2015(we)18:50 No.25726 I P11R8
As everybody does from time to time.
>> Anonymous 2dec2015(we)21:26 No.25732 J P12R9
the other version is smaller in size, what'd you do to get it to go from 1 mb to 10mb?
>> Anonymous 2dec2015(we)22:06 No.25734 C P13R10
>> Anonymous 3dec2015(th)02:52 No.25743 OP P14R11
By using an online video converter from the animated gif on e621 then converted the video to swf on
another video converter site.
>> Anonymous 3dec2015(th)03:14 No.25744 OP P15
If this doesn't belong on Fap where would it be posted on then? Fap is also for mature swfs too.
Here's a thought both Bolt swfs where he's jerking off was posted on Fap too.
>> Horsie 3dec2015(th)12:48 No.25750 K P16R12
Don't bother. He either does not like gay porn, or is just a troll.
Anyway, just ignore.
>> Anonymous 4dec2015(fr)00:37 No.25770 L P17R13
Gay material is completely fine to post here of course, but could you maybe tag it in the future?