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This is resource GOPZ5TR, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/1 -2016 15:45:35

Ended:1/1 -2016 21:24:40

Checked:1/1 -2016 21:42:59

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: massacleMind-translated.swf-(5.09 MB, 1000x600, Hentai)
[_] Start the year with a fresh minx Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)09:39:46 No.2989353

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)09:44:14 No.2989355

  Damn.... what's with the sound?

  Also... why won't it work?

  Don't post broken games.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)10:22:14 No.2989363

  its not broken, just a random number generated junk. its too mush guessing for what it is

>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)10:29:21 No.2989367


  It's flash fault.
  Worked in older flash versions. Weird.
  Tried to delete, but too soon to, then too old.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)10:32:12 No.2989368

  It works. Game is mastermind. No repeat "colors". And arrow keys to control.

  Machine fucks. Skull fuck at the end.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)11:00:52 No.2989382

  Yuck gore. Not worth it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)11:51:40 No.2989392

  There are some swfs around with action only, no need of solving puzzles.

  game is fairly easy, no double digits.
  you can always try some solver like the following one.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)12:29:38 No.2989403

  >can't even beat it with a solver
  I don't know how to play this shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)13:53:05 No.2989441

  When using the solver, translate the numbers to letters, so 1=A, 2=B, etc. "1357" would be
  "BDFH". Then put a two digit number after the letter code based on how many "hits" and "blows".
  (Hit means a correct number in a correct position, blow means correct number, but wrong position.)

  So, if you tried "1234", and get 1 hit and 2 blows, put "ABCD 12" in the text box for the solver.
  Try four or five things, then put them all in the solver, or try one, put it in the solver, then
  try one of its proposed solutions. Continue until either you get it correct, or there is only one
  solution left.

  Also, unless you really like gore, getting to see a little girl (who cries "Mommy!" at one point)
  get literally shredded by a tool you might use to turn meat into slurry, I would recommend you
  practice somewhere else, like this:

>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/16(Fri)15:17:16 No.2989490


Created: 1/1 -2016 15:45:35 Last modified: 1/1 -2016 21:43:19 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:51:05