File: DAICON.swf-(9.97 MB, 320x240, Anime)
[_] DAICON IV Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)02:43:26 No.2972160
Song Source:
I find myself watching this once a week. It's like crack.
There is a really nice remaster of this on YouTube with the prequel included.
Go find it and read up on the backstory behind Daicon if you aren't already familiar with it.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)03:24:02 No.2972200
Thanks for posting it anon. I was like you. I read about this, watched it all the time, and still
listen to that ELO album often. Amazing animation, amazing song.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)04:36:36 No.2972218
That was actually fantastic.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)09:20:07 No.2972325
If all anime were like this then I'd probably like anime.. But it's not and I hate anime. Ah-SO
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)09:24:45 No.2972332
Start watching some 80's anime, Gunbuster alone might be enough to make you a true believer.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)09:28:43 No.2972336
>large amounts of panning stills
>sections of choppy animation followed by comparatively smooth sections
>large amount of references to western pop culture
I probably wouldn't.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)10:29:32 No.2972362
Gunbuster is not a starter anime.
Well, maybe it is. It's got lots of awesome moments.
But once you know the things in anime to look for (large amounts of panning stills, variable
frame rate, etc) it's really obvious, especially at the end, that Gunbuster is was made on a
super budget.
(The last episode being B&W has nothing to do with it. It was painted in grayscale and shot on
color film. Anno stated himself that it was an artistic choice)
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)11:43:10 No.2972399
Rip gainax
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/15(Tue)12:07:17 No.2972406
>comparing a one-shot no-budget fan film to Gunbuster
>acting like it wasn't designed to appeal to nerds at a nerd convention