File: Undershit.swf-(3.97 MB, 1280x719, Other)
[_] Undershit in a nutshell Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)15:54:37 No.2999001
I cringed when I saw this.
You can see based on this manchild's reaction that this game is for hipster faggots with no sense
of humor; they'll pretty much enjoy and laugh at anything that is mainstream and trending.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:15:46 No.2999011
Honestly... because of all the under trolling on here lately I tried it out and honestly.... its
the greatest game I ever played.
I never really realized how much negativity is out there... even in games.
Undertale taught me to feel my heart again and stop being such a hateful person.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:18:48 No.2999013
>You can see based on this manchild's reaction that this game is for hipster faggots with no
sense of humor; they'll pretty much enjoy and laugh at anything that is mainstream and trending.
So you're talking about yourself?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:20:13 No.2999015
I bet you're one of those bronies in denial.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:21:14 No.2999016
>I used to be a hateful person, but a shitty video game cured me
Nice reversal, did you think that one up all by yourself madfag?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:23:54 No.2999019
I hate people who make videos of exaggerated reactions to games too anon, but Undertale isn't
even close to the first game to suffer from this. Doesn't matter if a game is AAA or Indie, these
faggots will try to capitalize off it regardless. If you really want to target something, target
Five Nights at Freddy's which popularized that kind of behavior.
Undertale is a charming game though, maybe not laugh out loud, but lowkey charming which is more
than I can say about you OP. Have fun trolling a game that's already blown up into popularity and
fizzled out though. Totally not a waste of your time when everyone who wants to play it already
has and won't give two shits about what you say about it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:31:55 No.2999024
FNAF is old news and is obvious cancer.
Undershit is somehow fooling people like yourself into thinking it's a decent game.
The point is not to stop people playing but to make fun of those who wasted their time doing so.
It's quite entertaining watching people defend a game that was shit because they poured the hours
into it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:35:45 No.2999026
>FNAF popularized that kind of behavior
How quickly you forget about Slender which was a garbage 'game' that had faggots screaming into
their face cams because it got views, and even that pile of shit wasn't the first to cause this
kind of reaction.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:36:01 No.2999027
So what's the last game you really enjoyed anon? Was it underrated?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:36:02 No.2999028
>game is shit becuz im an angry racist /pol/tard wahhhh
Stop being an angry turd and join the love train
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:37:06 No.2999029
Whoa, I really did forget about Slender. You're right. Also Amnesia to that degree. I still think
Five Nights is where it really blew up though.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:39:43 No.2999032
>Undershit is somehow fooling people like yourself into thinking it's a decent game.
So I've been playing games my entire life and have established very clearly defined standards for
what makes a piece of entertainment enjoyable to me, but now I'm a fool for thinking that one of
those games satisfies those criteria when it in fact does actually do so?
You are wasting your time worrying about what other people like.
>The point is not to stop people playing but to make fun of those who wasted their time doing so.
It's quite entertaining watching people defend a game that was shit because they poured the hours
into it.
Except that people actually genuinely enjoyed the game, so it wasn't shit to them, or are you
actually too retarded to understand that?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:45:22 No.2999033
>7 posters
>all this positive posting about undertale
>still 7 posters
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:47:30 No.2999034
undertale is a good and fun game.
it can be challenging but in a way you're used to if you play videogames.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:47:40 No.2999035
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:48:06 No.2999037
>You can see based on this manchild's reaction that this game is for hipster faggots with no
sense of humor; they'll pretty much enjoy and laugh at anything that is mainstream and trending.
lmao ah yes those mainstream hipster manchildren
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:49:07 No.2999038
I'm gonna need a bigger boat.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:50:32 No.2999042
Ah yes that whole 4 hours it takes to beat undertale.................. all tohse
hours................ i must defedn this game becauseu of all this time................
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:50:54 No.2999043
I'm gonna need a bigger throat.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:51:53 No.2999044
in case you didn't notice, there was an actual conversation that happened here, so there being
few posters is not a surprise for the amount of posts.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)16:54:17 No.2999046
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:04:12 No.2999050
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:04:38 No.2999051
>you didn't enjoy video game, therefore you're a nazi
Dude, what? Get that dick out of your brain.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:08:44 No.2999054
>Get that dick out of your brain.
What does that mean?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:17:10 No.2999059
>taught me to feel my heart again and stop being such a hateful person
guaranteed replies
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:36:47 No.2999064
thats some serious overreaction shit
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:38:49 No.2999068
>You are wasting your time worrying about what other people like.
I agree with this guy.
Bait or not, is it really worth anyone's time to just bash on a game you disagree with?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:44:27 No.2999071
It's simple mathematics.
Time taken to convert YT rip to swf and post it to board: 5 minutes max
Time for each baited person to watch flash, type a response, post it: 2 minutes (average)
Count the number of baited replies.
Repost for maximum benefit.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:53:31 No.2999073
I can't tell if this is supposed to be "BARK BARK BARK BARK" ironic or if the guy is actually
like that.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:58:22 No.2999074
>How I reacted to the whoopie-cushion: "heh"
>How I reacted to the conveniently shaped lamp: "heheh"
>How I reacted to the randomly-colored tile puzzle: "I know exactly how this is going to end but
it's funny either way."
In summary, the guy in this video just wanted views so he "reacted" as hard as possible.
Attention culture is fucking us as a species.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)17:59:45 No.2999075
Ah. Forgot to remove the pointer on that one.
In other news, that pointer was meant for a message along the lines of ">People can't be changed
by outside influence" but I went for a more all encompassing message instead.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:00:32 No.2999077
the easiest way to get plenty of replies is to post literally anything related to undertale
y'all niggers need to learn to take it easy
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:01:33 No.2999078
You may be right, but I mean to what end? I suppose there are people who enjoy making people mad
using whatever insidious tactics they can employ but what do they gain?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:01:44 No.2999079
>take it easy
Are you seriously asking us as a species to stop hating peace and simply ignore inconsequential
things that we don't like? REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:02:56 No.2999083
The ability to, with a massive overbite, brag to their friends about how they trolled the
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:03:07 No.2999084
Actually, on second thought, take yourself back to /reddit9k/
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:04:02 No.2999085
>their friends
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:05:31 No.2999088
Just impersonating your average every day person who seriously can't just not get involved with
things they don't like.
Well, they don't have to be friends like what you and me know them as but, rather, people they
can get in a skype call and brag to while the other person is ignoring them and trying to brag
about their own actually meaningless accomplishment.
>Unemployment has made me extremely versed in the matters of pointlessness.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:07:28 No.2999089
>Just impersonating...
...using a shitty reddit meme.
Fuck off already.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:08:34 No.2999090
I have literally never seen anyone use "impersonation" as a meme.
>But that's probably because I'm such a sick trend setter!
Booboocachoo! YEEEEYUUUUUUH!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:08:44 No.2999091
I like undertale
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:09:06 No.2999092
>big dick detected
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:09:35 No.2999093
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:10:07 No.2999095
you what?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:10:20 No.2999096
Jesus christ just go away.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:10:55 No.2999097
I like the video game undertale
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:11:13 No.2999098
Social experiment
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:12:03 No.2999099
lol. Either you're that same easy to annoy guy from that one /f/ thread that turned into a
shitstorm of memes or the average of easily annoyed denizens is moving up.
Either either, I'mma either muh either. Know what I'm saying, booba? Yeh. You know what I'm
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:12:19 No.2999100
excuse me?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:13:17 No.2999101
Also, meme shitstorm thread was pretty funny. It was intentional shitposting and everyone knew
it. Well, except for like two people out of 17.
inb4 response saying "newfag"
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:13:25 No.2999102
I like you, do you like me?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:13:32 No.2999103
I like Toby Fox's RPG with bullethell likenesses under the name 'Undertale'
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:14:17 No.2999104
Depends. Do you have the goods?
Y-you monster!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:14:52 No.2999105
I got da hoods
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:15:21 No.2999106
A white hole?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:15:23 No.2999107
You... you... wow
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:16:23 No.2999108
Yes, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
A black hole sucks time and matter out of the universe.
A white hole returns it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:17:05 No.2999110
Me, too! He just... I mean... Fuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:17:27 No.2999111
Where da trips at?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:17:49 No.2999112
your mouth hole
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:18:05 No.2999113
So it's decided. We consult Holly.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:19:16 No.2999114
He can't answer because if he tells us what games he plays he'll look as bad or worse than the
undertale fans.
Pretty salty in here alright.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:20:15 No.2999115
mfw being in this thread:
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:21:34 No.2999117
Time is occurring in random pockets. The effects of causality no longer apply. An action no
longer leads to a consequence.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:23:09 No.2999119
Don't reply to yourself it's bad form.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:23:22 No.2999120
No, It's not a shit game. I'm not defending my time spent, according to Steam it's been 89
minutes. I haven't beaten the first real boss.
The game is sincere. The biggest feature is that the game mechanics express the characters'
emotions very precisely. Sans's stupid jokes are presented by the game as partly annoying and
partly funny. It's a way he awkwardly tries to make friends.
Tho I did break out in laughter a few times when the game caught me off guard. For me it was when
Sans gave me a free view through his telescope. Which had the lens cap on. And then two screens
later when my character turned around I saw he drew a ring of ink on the eyepiece.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:24:56 No.2999122
*canned laughter*
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:25:59 No.2999123
its a feel good game that warms the soul and shows a way too peace
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:26:19 No.2999124
To maximize the time wasted, you should lie in the middle of a busy highway. You only need to do
it for a few minutes to waste hours of the commuter's and EMT's time.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:26:49 No.2999125
the genocide route does a real good job at giving you that feeling of remorse
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:27:20 No.2999126
Get some fresh air and stop trying to look cool on the internet kiddo.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:28:01 No.2999127
>Forgot to add the part about being one naked man
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:28:01 No.2999128
Not this guy but to be honest, the ink on the eyepiece was genuinely funny because not only is it
a classic prank but the execution of the prank and the revelation of its result was subtle.
Trolling quality has gone significantly down if folk are just using the same card over and over
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:29:12 No.2999130
Ah the irony.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:29:56 No.2999132
Ah the irony.
>This post cycle right here can continue forever.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:30:43 No.2999133
I concur good sir.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:31:08 No.2999134
>undertale trolling
>72 posts and counting
Well no one could have seen THIS one coming.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:32:21 No.2999137
It's better than Ashley's cyberskin spread wide pussy and ass, which is apparently better than
the real thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:32:25 No.2999138
The best part is there's probably like four separate people in it now.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:34:03 No.2999140
And for only about 200 dollars you too can kiss the problems of interacting with real women
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:34:17 No.2999141
This thread is the fucking best thing ever
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:35:11 No.2999142
>best thing ever
I'd love to know what you think the worst thing is.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:36:01 No.2999143
I tried devolving this thread to hell but there wasn't enough momentum to send us through the
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:36:39 No.2999145
Playing Undertale
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:37:57 No.2999149
oh snap
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:38:47 No.2999152
This kind of reply is the best way to keep the thread alive.
>Not that we'll survive getting bumped out by another flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:39:38 No.2999154
You did your best. Just let the manlets keep hassling the other manlets about their choice of
game and move on like a normal person.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:41:37 No.2999159
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:42:43 No.2999162
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:42:56 No.2999164
bingo bango
suck a kango
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:44:03 No.2999165
I'm laughing uncontrollably right now.
This thread is the meaning of life.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:44:16 No.2999167
The fuck, this isn't katawa shoujo.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:45:17 No.2999168
Undertale is an average/good game. Good music, interesting combat system. That's it.
It's the people who are declaring this the "Best game of the generation/Best game of 2015" etc
are the real cancer.
And then Tumblr just makes it even worse.
The fact of the matter is this OK game wouldn't be given so much shit if the fandom wasn't worse
than almost every other fandom that comes to mind.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:45:26 No.2999169
This thread is just for speeding up the get
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:45:37 No.2999170
Many keks were had.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:46:38 No.2999171
Fuck, anon figured it out.
This is the end.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:48:08 No.2999176
>does a real good job at giving you that feeling of remorse
lol so I've heard form someone who's played this game. Personally I don't think it'd do shit to
me. I'm a sociopath, so I don't think I can even feel remorse
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:49:58 No.2999181
Sociopath is just a made up word by coporate doctors.
Don't limit yourself.
Anything is possible.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:53:53 No.2999184
Do you know what else is possible?
Undertale being a shit game.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:54:09 No.2999185
i liked undertale too.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:58:11 No.2999190
I feel like the whole "Changes the game on replay if you do something reprehensible" deserves
mention, as well. off the top of my head, I don't know of any other games that lock you out of
the best ending if you're too completionist.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:58:32 No.2999192
me too
I also like fast boards and glue
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:59:46 No.2999193
I like dominos pizza
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:01:27 No.2999196
the absolute madman
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:01:40 No.2999197
I liked Alan Rickman.
But he died :(
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:07:43 No.2999201
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:09:31 No.2999203
I once won 20 bucks because I knew the song with the chorus
>the sun machine is coming down and we're gonna have a party
is called "memories of a free festival" so I like Bowie
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:10:03 No.2999204
Jesus, next you fags are going to argue about The Binding of Isaac
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:11:50 No.2999206
I don't want to let go of this thread...
>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 01/14/16(Thu)19:12:01 No.2999207
2015 Post something /pol related, get tons of responces.
2016 Post something 'letsplay' game related, get responces.
Oh what a wonderful year.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:12:22 No.2999210
How dare you say the lord's name in vain.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:13:36 No.2999211
Don't forget the screamers.
There are more to come I guarantee it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:16:01 No.2999213
>113 replies
What the fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:17:30 No.2999217
>this manchild's reaction
actually i think it sounds like a youtuber catering to the kind of humor that typical <15 year
olds have. people do it all the time. it generates views and money.
it's shit but what are you going to do. find comfort in that he wouldn't be like that if he
didn't have money in mind.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:17:38 No.2999218
You know all those threads that get 100+ replies?
Would it shock you to know they're all posted by the same person?