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This is resource JWVHBCA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/12 -2015 02:23:26

Ended:17/12 -2015 22:56:04

Checked:17/12 -2015 23:04:38

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 8172

Age: 7.85d   Health: 66%   Posters: 8   Posts: 10   Replies: 9   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 10dec2015(th)02:20 No.25919 OP P1

[G] Changelist inside

New things:
- many new 'static' (dialog) animations
- 1 big quest chain 'Picnic Event' with 3 available endings (out of total 5 in future)
- 3 completed new h-scenes and 2 mini h-scenes
- 12 new dialog scenes
- 2 new backgrounds (I hope you like them much more then what was before)
- 1 character reworked into DeerGirl 'Nikki' with multiple appearances
- sketches for map are implemented
- coding for quest chains and multiple main girls are implemented
- coding 'relations' model implemented (for now Jack <-> Casey)

[IMG] Panthea_-_leave2gether_v0.07.swf (4.35 MiB)
1280x800, Compressed. 1 frame, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver24, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 10dec2015(th)05:33 No.25926 A P2R1

What's the password for the gallery?

>> Anonymous 10dec2015(th)06:06 No.25927 B P3R2

I know the creator just sent out a email to patreons which has the new gallery code, but I haven't
heard it yet.

>> Anonymous 10dec2015(th)06:47 No.25930 C P4R3

Gallery Password: xz17wrT

I don't know why it's that, but it is.

>> Anonymous 10dec2015(th)15:50 No.25933 D P5R4

>All characters in this game are over 18
Whew, close one. Thanks for the warning.

>> Anonymous 10dec2015(th)16:38 No.25935 E P6R5

No kidding. I dont know what could've happened if I inadvertently fapped to an underage fictional

>> Anonymous 11dec2015(fr)00:27 No.25938 F P7R6

It's a good warning because we can then immediately close it due to the characters being too old.

>> Anonymous 11dec2015(fr)16:38 No.25949 G P8R7

Well, you would've been instantly deserving of the death penalty and a 500k fine to be given to
your parents for having you, and 100k fines to any friends, siblings and co-workers.
Such is the verdict of "Normal" people.

>> Anonymous 11dec2015(fr)20:34 No.25954 OP P9R8

The "loli = pedo" discussion is the same as the "video games = violence" discussion. Fucking
normies who dont understand that bashing someones head in in GTAV doesnt mean people want to
actually do that IRL.

>> Anonymous 11dec2015(fr)20:39 No.25955 G P10R9

Stumbled upon the article about people "using WatchDogs to hunt down minorities in-game" earlier,
still don't know if I should laugh or cry about the butthurt.
Created: 10/12 -2015 02:23:26 Last modified: 17/12 -2015 23:04:53 Server time: 04/01 -2025 23:07:08