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This is resource K6G68JH, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/11 -2015 05:00:37

Ended:30/11 -2015 08:54:06

Checked:30/11 -2015 09:49:18

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 33.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: average anime protagonist.swf-(2.74 MB, 1024x572, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)22:52:36 No.2964827

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)22:53:38 No.2964829

  top kek

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)22:55:45 No.2964831

  unfortunately true

>> [_] Al Sharpton 11/29/15(Sun)23:27:38 No.2964860

  nah but saitama is gud tho senpai

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)23:30:43 No.2964861

  but his ability is called the full counter. all those moves they used get shot back at them 10
  fold. most anime protagonists lost their mother or father tho.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)23:34:40 No.2964869

  This is why anime is for losers with no sense of good or bad plot, as long as the characters are
  "kawaii" or some shit and there is scantilly clad underaged children then who cares if the story
  is good or if the characters are well designed?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)23:44:28 No.2964880

  you know not all anime is like what you described tho, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)23:48:57 No.2964890

  >>2964869 you realize that hes a 3000 year old demon lord right?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)23:50:41 No.2964893

  And so the genericness rises. Have some fucking creativity, Japan. I want an anime staring a
  middle aged black man who isn't OP as all fuck and not some edgy ass teenage pretty boy/girl who
  can destroy the entire countryside in a single attack

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)23:50:46 No.2964894

  if anime isn't to your taste, reddit is right around the corner

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)23:58:53 No.2964910

  the anime you are looking for is black samurai.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:13:08 No.2964928

  Not many middle aged black dudes but there's plenty of middle aged dudes who aren't OP as all
  fuck if you look hard enough. Just don't look at Seven Deadly Sins for it. That anime might as
  well be written with a fucking checklist for how generic it is

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:21:08 No.2964934

  There are plenty of anime in which the main character is middle-aged, and many of those also lack
  anything unrealistic.

  You're limiting your scope to anime which is obviously made for teenage boys and you're assuming
  all anime is just that. There's anime for adults too.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:24:52 No.2964938

  Not sure why you want a protagonist to be black, though. To be frank, japanese people are kinda
  racist and don't really identify with black people. The majority of the japanese audience will
  identify with a japanese character.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:25:03 No.2964939

  I want an anime with swords and monsters and all that cool stuff but I want the characters to
  stay believable but not necessarily realistic. dragonball z and the above mentioned seven deadly
  sins are ruined completely by the characters.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:27:28 No.2964943

  he isnt black. but read/watch hajime no ippo

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:41:06 No.2964961

  kamek 4 smash

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:50:19 No.2964971

  i though this was going to be the old gay getting molested by a chick say "NO! I'm a virgin"

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:50:47 No.2964973

  why not just go make your own anime with that criteria you fucking lazy nigger

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:51:26 No.2964974

  Stuff like that exists too, though. Fate/Zero comes to mind.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)00:53:11 No.2964975

  >anime is for losers
  What are you, 12?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)01:03:49 No.2964984

  I wnat a anime wiht a buff mosly naked guy whom can desroy a planet in one (1) shot

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)01:04:51 No.2964985

  >What are you, a weeaboo?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)01:09:38 No.2964990

  yo dude it's not an anime but you should definitely read the manga berserk. Has everything you
  just mentioned, the mc is a fucking badass and the artwork is fucking gorgeous.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)01:12:54 No.2964994

  What's wrong with scantily clad underaged children?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)01:33:34 No.2965009

  nothing at all, especially when they aren't real

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)01:35:51 No.2965011

  Umm... guys... c-can I have some sa-sauce...


>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)01:42:22 No.2965017


  Better than the American version where nothing ever fucking changes or a superhero comes back
  from death for the 12345th time.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)02:01:14 No.2965031

  Seven Deadly Sins.
  Its shit. Try One-Punch Man instead. Or Gintama.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)02:13:27 No.2965042

  Maybe you should watch better anime you dwebe.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)02:47:23 No.2965086

  >Middle aged black man
  Fucking dropped harder the star wars episode VII

>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)02:50:26 No.2965088


>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/15(Mon)02:51:15 No.2965089

  itt faggots arguing over cartoons
Created: 30/11 -2015 05:00:37 Last modified: 30/11 -2015 09:49:21 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:10:14