File: country roads.swf-(3.1 MB, 500x282, Anime)
[_] Never Change /f/ Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)05:07:09 No.3004866
Every time I come to this board, its like im still back in 2009
never change /f/, never change
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)10:07:40 No.3004934
Thanks anon.
This is wonderful
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)10:13:54 No.3004938
Hardly. The flashes are mostly the same old almost-decade-old reposts, but the replies are all
the standard modern /b/-/s4s/-whatever shit
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)10:19:00 No.3004942
>tfw pepperflash on Linux fucks up the flash's boundaries so I see tons of stuff flickering
outside of the actual scene
Thanks Adobe
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)10:21:59 No.3004944
lack of native adobe support is the one thing preventing me from switching to linux entirely. so
far it's looking like I'm sticking with win7 forever (or at least until they pull the plug and
most software doesn't work on it anymore, rip XP).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)10:24:26 No.3004946
Thank You!!!!! This is what everyone lives for!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)10:25:34 No.3004947
>The flashes are mostly the same old almost-decade-old reposts
not really, while /f/ has a low amount of OC, there's still a steady trickle of new stuff. Hence
why things like the /f/ bag get updated.
>but the replies are all the standard modern /b/-/s4s/-whatever shit
/b/ is beyond recognition now, it's basically an edgier /soc/ at this point. /s4s/ became so
ironic that they're currently pretending to be pretending to be pretending to be pretending to be
retarded, and generally use more "extreme" shitposting lingo.
What you're seeing is just modern chan slang.
There's a native adobe flash player plugin, but it's an older version, buggy and generally not
that nice. Pepperflash is a newer flash version, but comes with its own issues, such as fucked up
display rectangles, messed up pre-loading where the flash starts playing before anything is shown
and no proper local playback of flashes that require fetching resources from remote hosts. The
preloading bug is quite new actually.
Since flash is pretty much in maintenance-only mode now we can only hope they don't add more bugs
in the future.
Being a Linux user is suffering.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)11:24:20 No.3004967
Moonshine is pretty good stuff.