File: Forced Memes.swf-(749 KB, 330x240, Loop)
[_] /F/lood these steam group pls Forced Memes 12/17/15(Thu)21:40:32 No.2979403
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/15(Thu)22:27:12 No.2979417
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/15(Thu)22:29:57 No.2979419
>le 4chan army
I hope you know that the battle against FunnyJunk and ebaums world left the soldier numbers very
low. Many dead, many disabled
Post F to pay respects.
Also "downvoted"
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/15(Thu)22:58:12 No.2979432
You must be new... we don't do Personal Army Raids.
Anonymous does what anonymous sees fit; Anonymous does not huddle under a banner and wave to
everyone else waving the same flag.
Besides, you're knockin' on 2 of the tightest sets on the Steam Coast. Gon' getchu ass capped,
mah niggah.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/15(Thu)23:07:26 No.2979434
/f/ doesn't do raids, that's what /b/ is for
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/15(Thu)23:09:04 No.2979435
What's the name of the whistle guy meme vid?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/15(Fri)00:35:11 No.2979483
>implying there are enough people on /f/ to do a raid
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/15(Fri)00:47:04 No.2979488
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/15(Fri)01:05:17 No.2979490
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/15(Fri)01:51:57 No.2979508
rips lad
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/15(Fri)02:17:07 No.2979520
>it's just three dudes and a monkey
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/15(Fri)03:00:14 No.2979525
not even a real monkey, just a stuffed one.