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This is resource M6QATV5, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/12 -2015 22:42:04

Ended:29/12 -2015 02:51:33

Checked:29/12 -2015 03:32:45

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Hyakuman Dance.swf-(854 KB, 400x300, Loop)
[_] Would you want a janitor for /f/? Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)16:37:59 No.2986838

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)16:39:59 No.2986839

  >implying there is moderation on /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)16:51:13 No.2986843


>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)16:53:27 No.2986844

  What would a janitor even do? Delete things they don't like? Nobody needs that power.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)16:54:13 No.2986845

  I'm not asking if there is active moderation on /f/, we all know that's not the case, I'm asking
  if you'd want active moderation on /f/.
  Maybe with some updated rules, something like "don't post /wsg/ or /gif/ content on /f/".

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)16:57:38 No.2986847

  >active moderation on /f/
  for what purpose

  >Maybe with some updated rules, something like "don't post /wsg/ or /gif/ content on /f/".
  Please no.

  Pretty much what >>2986844 said.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)16:59:47 No.2986848

  Why not?
  There are so many flashes that are just converted videos, not exactly /f/ material.
  Not to mention that those exact flashes can almost always be found on /wsg/ in webm format.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)17:00:15 No.2986850

  How about don't open up shitty flashes?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)17:07:54 No.2986852

  I don't like them either, but 4chan is enough of an overmoderated shithole as it is. Let's keep
  at least keep /f/ a free-for-all.
  Besides, flv uploads have been a thing since forever. Like it or not, they're part of /f/ and
  flash in general. Sometimes there's more of them, sometimes there's less, but usually they're
  pretty shitty so nobody actually saves/reposts them anyway so who cares.

  The one thing that does need to be deleted is people just embedding the youtube player in an swf
  and uploading it as it is. It's such a shitty fucking practice for so many reasons. But I
  wouldn't go as far as adding it as an official rule or anything. /f/'s hilariously outdated rules
  are part of the charm. If it even happens - and I'm not really strongly advocating for it here -
  let it be an unwritten rule like rec threads getting deleted on /a/ the past couple of years
  (current sticky notwithstanding).

  But that's enough. Meta threads are as pointless as they are newfaggy and shitposty.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)17:10:31 No.2986853

  Don't insult OP for wanting less shitty flashes!
  I was often thinking about moderating /f/, but even if I did it, I'd not know exactly how to
  Also, the board would be dead or REPOST OF A if videos were just deleted in general.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)17:21:18 No.2986857

  If the majority of /f/ wants to get rid of converted videos as flashes then I think we should do
  something with it.
  Especially now Hiro is in charge, you've seen how much he values community feedback.

  I'm just trying to get an idea of what /f/ in general thinks, which is hard considering most
  threads die with only 3 posts.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)17:27:53 No.2986861

  if there needs to be a change I say let's get back to 4 days when flash can be reposted again
  does anyone even remember those times?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)17:28:09 No.2986862

  The only thing i would want removed are the flashes that open up screaming pictures that activate
  printer scripts, or other bullshit like that

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)17:34:12 No.2986866

  Hiro's been listening too much to the retards over at /qa/. "What the community wants" is
  oftentimes "what a really loud minority wants". This may be projection, but I think it's safe to
  say "the community" wants things to stay the same. If people didn't like it, they wouldn't be
  coming here. Especially considering /f/ has been pretty much static for the past ~4 years, so
  there are no real big shifts or changes need addressing.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)18:11:47 No.2986879

  Last time we had a janitor he deleted all loli content, fuck that, if we got one I'd want them to
  follow the rules (all content must be japanese in origin) or just fuck off.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)18:44:51 No.2986901

  Oh right, that's a rule. One that's broken almost by-hourly.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)18:50:15 No.2986907

  Another rule that's broken all the time is
  "The tagging of uploaded files is mandatory. Improperly tagged items may be removed without
  notice. Abuse of the tagging system may result in temporary ban."
  /f/ really doesn't have mods.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)18:56:27 No.2986913

  "run of the mill content is to be had elsewhere"
  Why even have rules?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)19:00:39 No.2986915

  >I'm just trying to get an idea of what /f/ in general thinks, which is hard considering most
  threads die with only 3 posts.
  Well there's 9 unique posters in this thread, I'll make 10, and it looks like there's maybe one
  person who agrees with you. That should give you a decent idea of what /f/ in general thinks.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)19:07:31 No.2986923

  The only thing I'd like changed is the upload limit increased. Mods are fags, tbcophwyrnf (to be
  completely one-hundred percent honest with you right now family)

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)20:31:30 No.2986970

  But there is.. I know for a fact.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)20:36:34 No.2986975

  What you saw the /b/ didn't you? Does that mean there's a hidden swatbot?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/15(Mon)20:48:33 No.2986983

  Hey while we've got a /f/ discussion thread up, can someone explain why those hard-gay flashes
  are *always* uploaded?

  I'm not having a whinge, I'm just curious about why there's so many of them. Surely they aren't
  that popular.
Created: 28/12 -2015 22:42:04 Last modified: 29/12 -2015 03:32:57 Server time: 04/01 -2025 01:59:32