File: Ethereal.swf-(9.84 MB, 1217x852, Loop)
[_] post chill Anonymous 12/12/15(Sat)22:52:43 No.2975734
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/15(Sat)23:00:49 No.2975738
Some real good shit here anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)00:09:00 No.2975773
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)01:29:56 No.2975831
Sauce on song
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)01:41:15 No.2975836
the song title is ethereal... take that with what you will
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)02:12:30 No.2975851
Fuck off thanks :0
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)02:18:00 No.2975852
how to flash??
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)02:18:36 No.2975853
haha you are welcome it is by amisistearum ::DD
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)02:34:31 No.2975856
who else gets feels from this?
the colors used, scene, and music gives me major feels
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)03:02:24 No.2975860
Forget the song, who's the artist for the graphics?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)03:07:23 No.2975863
Nevermind, already found him/her. ChippyFish
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)03:49:04 No.2975882
Found song
>> [_] Anonymous 12/13/15(Sun)03:55:22 No.2975886
I am not a huge faggot so I have no emotions to get queer ass "feels" from, you nancy boy