File: Bill Nye - Creationism is Inappropriate for Children.swf-(8.63 MB, 640x360, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)12:05:27 No.2988804
time for /pol/
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)12:09:32 No.2988806
The state is the most powerful thing ever created by the hand of man and should be regarded and
indeed revered as such.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)12:54:56 No.2988828
My jimmies are so fucking rustled.
For one thing, his "evidence" is retarded. Why the fuck does an understanding that stars age have
to rely on evolution. I don't need to believe in evolution to know things get older, fuckwad.
For another, I don't give a fuck if he's right or not, does he seriously think it's okay to
advocate parents not passing their beliefs on to their children? WTF parent in their right mind
goes, "Well, I don't think it's true, but I'm going to let my kid believe it's true and not share
my point of view." That stupid fuck sure as hell wouldn't do it if the whole world believed
creationism and they were telling him not to teach evolution to his fucking kid. I expect more
logic from a fucking scientist.
Last point, in what way is the world MORE exciting if there's no fucking mystery, asswipe. The
fun is in having questions, not in knowing all the answers.
All his rant did was make me wonder if climate change really is a fucking hoax after all, because
before he lost all credibility with me here I fucking believed him.
And the irony is I'm actually open-minded on evolution as a possibility. The theory's got holes,
but it's certainly viable. And not exactly incompatible with religion, for that matter, cause
Someone still needed to make the fucking apes. But now I wouldn't believe this fucktard if he
told me gravity was keeping me on this fucking planet.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)12:55:15 No.2988829
>be liberal democrats
>need way to make republicans look dumb
>decide to go 1800s eugenics and push the idea that evolutions is both important to understand
and believe in
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)12:56:21 No.2988831
You're trying too hard
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)12:58:04 No.2988832
daily reminder: darwin went to college to learn theology, his theory is not new or unique and was
only accepted among the educated because it gave a pseudo-scientific justification for treating
non-british whites as inferior. The original origins of the species divided humans into over 50
different races, with Anglo-saxons at the top.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)12:59:18 No.2988833
if god doesnt real how come american flag
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:02:22 No.2988837
So he was racist. That wasn't exactly uncommon. Doesn't make evolution less true.We have more
evidence supporting evolution than we do for gravity. We have more knowledge about evolution than
we do for why humans need to sleep.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:03:28 No.2988838
>The theory's got holes
nah, your mom has holes, evolution is solid.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:03:53 No.2988839
we're actually fairly sure by now that gravity doesn't exist and is merely a symptom of
space-time deformation.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:06:59 No.2988844
Umad broski doski?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:07:49 No.2988846
Well you know, it's not like "i'm gonna teach my kid something i don't believe in", NO, it's more
like "I'm gonna let my kid DECIDE what he wants to believe or not!"
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:08:01 No.2988847
Why should some mechanical engineer tell me how to live my life?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:09:56 No.2988849
Does anyone know when this video was this made?
Calm down. Go do something relaxing.
What would we do without you, Captain Obvious? I couldn't have guessed he's mad. In fact, he
could tell me his jimmies were rustled and I still wouldn't believe him.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:11:10 No.2988850
I can honestly say that I have no idea what you're trying to say, except that you think Bill Nye
is an asshole.
Yes, this video doesn't present any evidence. It's just some pro-science atheism circle jerk for
edgy 15 year olds, but is that seriously enough for you to deny climate change out of sheer
hatred? Get a fucking grip man.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:12:21 No.2988852
>Creationists this ass-mad when faced with the truth
Get back to beating your wife, shithead.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:20:42 No.2988857
I guess you stopped reading after you read "My jimmies are so fucking rustled" and saw the
paragraph. He's not mad at the truth. He's open-minded to it. He's mad at the stupid claims, but
mostly because they're coming from someone he had some respect for.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:42:04 No.2988867
>>2988831 do what? I was just raging, I honestly didn't even expect a response. Most of /f/ never
goes discussion, they just click on the pretty videos.
Of course my mom has holes, what do you think I came out of. :P
Evolution isn't solid yet. It has some 'splaining to do. If you give a fuck about why I think
that I'll rant on it later.
I'd respond but >>2988849 put you in your place pretty good already. :)
I did, I'm a bit better now. Or was til I saw this page open and decided to F5. ;)
100% agree, but that's not what Bill Nye the Liar Guy was advocating. He was telling evolution
doubters to sit down, shut up, and let their kids get brainwashed by his POV.
That's why it's HERE, but that's not why it was made. Bill Nye wasn't trying to get 15 year olds
off, he was serious. And it's cause he was saying it, and he puts himself out there as the
leading authority on climate change, that I now doubt climate change. Especially since there's
plenty of rationale for why Earth's temperature would rise NATURALLY, I mean we have Ice Ages in
our planet's cycle, why wouldn't we have Hot Ages too?
I has no wife I has the gay
WOW. An anon that understands. Rare thing. Thank you, anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:45:01 No.2988869
Unrelated to what he's saying here, Bill Nye is quite intelligent, but holy fuck he is a fairly
large asshole. One of the reasons Disney cancelled his show was because he was increasingly
difficult to work with combined with diminishing ratings, he's kind of a total dick who's not
afraid to throw you under the bus to prove a point.
Not saying he's wrong in any way, but he totally is an asshole. Now Beakman from Beakman's World
on the other hand was pretty much a saint.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:54:52 No.2988870
Trying WAAAAAAYYY too hard.
The fundamental theory of evolution is survival of the fittest. You cannot argue with survival of
the fittest. It is not a "viable theory". You are trying to sound smarter than both creationists
and people who believe in evolution, but at the end of the day, you are trying to argue against
one of the most fundamental principles of nature. It's kind of like being "open to the idea of
gravity." Sure, maybe our current model of gravity is flawed, but the alternative model you
propose is fucking retarded.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:58:09 No.2988874
Intuitively, that makes sense. Intuitively, climate change makes sense too. I've seen evidence
for climate change- if you show me evidence for "Hot Age Thoery" I'll gladly think about it.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:58:11 No.2988875
"When you have a segment of the population who don't believe in it, it's holding everybody back."
Bullshit. Fact is fact regardless of how many people believe in it.
Also, leftists are so pro-science and pro-evolution, but somehow have a core tennet of their
belief that evolution stopped with human beings. That despite having geologically separate sub
groups over thousands of years with different environmental pressures, that there is somehow no
difference between the cognitive abilities of these subgroups.
At least the relgionfags believe we are all god's children, and god loves us all equally. To
accept darwinism and to dismiss racism is completely contradictory.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)13:59:10 No.2988876
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:02:53 No.2988880
We science fags just don't have the heart to tell them that at risk of losing funding.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:02:58 No.2988881
Geographically not geologically.
Morlock superiority is an entirely different subject altogether.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:03:34 No.2988882
Two species are the same if they can produce fertile offspring. All humans produce fertile
offspring. Also, very little can change genealogically over a few thousand years, especially with
regard to something as complex as "cognitive ability".
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:03:48 No.2988883
everybody posting in here is gay
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:05:02 No.2988884
What did you expect on Thursday?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:08:27 No.2988886
>>2988883 >>2988884
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:08:44 No.2988887
More dicks flopping about than flopping their jibberjaws about antichrist policies like
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:11:19 No.2988889
keep living in your deep dark fantasy right wingers while us lefties discuss real plitics like
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:12:23 No.2988890
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:14:20 No.2988891
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:18:17 No.2988895
>Two species are the same if they can produce fertile offspring.
Not necessarily. There are plenty of what we consider different species that can produce hybrid
offspring that are fertile.
Coyotes and wolf are different species, but their hybrid offspring, the coywolf, are perfectly
viable. Closer to home would be homo sapiens and homo neanderthalensis, of which non african homo
sapiens seem to be a hybrid of.
Speciation isn't as cut & dry as you'd like it to be. There is a point at which two separate
genetic pools are different enough to be considered separate species, but similar enough to still
produce viable offspring.
Which is why I said sub groups. I am completely aware that we are the same species.
>Also, very little can change genealogically over a few thousand years, especially with regard to
something as complex as "cognitive ability".
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Through twin studies, IQ has been proven to be majority hereditary. Homo sapiens sapiens is the
only species remaining that has what we regard as 'sentient' level cognition, and we have no idea
how close or far that level of cognition is from our pre-sentient ancestors.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:25:39 No.2988900
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:30:08 No.2988903
My fucking sides.
Every time this flash is posted, every fucking time, it causes a 30+ post shitstorm.
holy fuck /f/ is easily baited.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:32:22 No.2988906
LMAO. Thank you for this.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:45:50 No.2988913
that's why the term guaranteed_replies.swf exists
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:47:15 No.2988914
>with Anglo-saxons at the top.
sooooo, correctly.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:54:38 No.2988922
LOL Japan more innovative than America.
Take that you gay americans
My sides
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)14:57:10 No.2988925
That more shows that coyotes and wolves are less separated by time and changes than a lion and a
tiger or a donkey and a horse.
Current taxonomy has coyotes as the nearest predecessors to wolves and dogs. So y'know argue
where you will.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)15:25:47 No.2988936
Everyone STOP! OP is baiting, he knows this'll become a shitstorm on a otherwise peaceful board.
You guys are just falling for the bait.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)15:26:46 No.2988937
but that's the point, it's fun to watch it happen on an otherwise quiet board
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)15:33:27 No.2988941
Some men wanna see this board burn...
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)15:42:19 No.2988945
Bill is a great guy. That being said...
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)16:02:32 No.2988954
And? It's better than the usual /f/ business of "never post any replies on any flash."
You seem to be confused-
>He was telling evolution doubters to sit down, shut up, and let their kids get brainwashed by
his POV
Oh, you're not confused, you're just stupid. His entire point was that people need to be taught
from a scientific perspective. As he states at the beginning, it's like trying to learn geology
without believing in tectonic plates. Sure, the theory could theoretically be incorrect, but it's
the closest we've got to the truth and if you deny it you will consistently come to the wrong
conclusions. You want to change that? Propose a better theory; and no, "A magical bearded man put
us all on this earth 6,000 years ago. Also he micromanages everything that happens." isn't a
better theory.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)16:22:14 No.2988960
you are legitimately autistic based on the structure of your post and the fact that you reply to
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)16:23:52 No.2988962
The bait, holy shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)16:25:17 No.2988963
Not that anon, but how are those things are autistic?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)16:26:17 No.2988965
>not that anon
yes you are, anyone who starts their post with that is indubitably so, you autist.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)16:29:00 No.2988967
Wrong, you double autist.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/31/15(Thu)17:11:54 No.2988981
Top fun at the bigoted self-loathing christian ITT.
And it's not about evolution or his importance actually, it's about how americans tend to be
retarded and conspirationists and deniers of the truth(truthers, global warning denialists,
chemtrails, ect), and shoving it to the rest of the people(the issue about creationism is it
being forced to kids in schools, it's like an engineering graduation having a discipline course
of "how the twin towers was imploded").
Except for mexico and latino countries and their still ongoing UFO mania, I can't see any other
country with this huge ammount of hoaxes and conspiracies being created everyday, urban myths,
pseudo-science being treated as science and retarded and false ideas being generally accepted
other than US.
And it's dangerous, this create a social anti-scientific bias like the retard replying to
everyone ITT.