File: Index Remix.swf-(9.23 MB, 960x640, Other)
[_] Did someone say MADNESS? Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)07:31:04 No.3008749
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)09:33:27 No.3008791
if only she was nearly this cute in the actual series
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)10:19:15 No.3008809
>tfw Index is just tossed aside while Touman saves the world, returning only to bite the hero who
gets no recognition for his efforts
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)10:33:23 No.3008811
cut it out with this fucking cancer
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)10:37:34 No.3008812
I agree, flv embed are pretty shitty content, but this one's really cute and hasn't been posted
in a while
at least it's not that fucking circle preloader
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)11:20:23 No.3008817
who watches this bullshit?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)11:47:59 No.3008826
fuck, what is this song called
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/16(Wed)11:49:34 No.3008827
Sand Canyon, from Kirby