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[_] Better than Undertale in everyway. Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)10:10:15 No.3009431
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)10:14:23 No.3009432
Almost as shit
Homestuck took several years of fermentation before people eventually realized it was cancer
Undertale took several weeks
Admittedly though the earlier Homestuck pages before everything became meaninglessly convoluted
were at least something
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)10:16:27 No.3009433
That ain't a challenge.
I could take a shit in the street, take a picture, modify the picture into frames for an
animation where the shit is degrading away with time lapse effects in adobe premiere and it would
be way more enjoyable than playing Undershit.
Not to mention I would've actually put more effort into what I had done compared to the
developers of Understale.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)11:18:00 No.3009445
hell, I'm not even a big fan of undertale. I think it's alright, given that it was made by just
some dude, it's different, etc.
but you faggots are the reason the "gaming" community fucking sucks. the moment any game gets
popular, you have to find a way to tear it apart just so you can sound like you're le epic
gamemaster and know which games are good or bad. it's just fuckin toxic, brehs. the game is fine.
it's not long, it's not perfect, and of course you can list of games that are better, but fuck.
it's really not that bad.
it's like videogames are the only thing you have in your life, and if you're not smarter than
everyone else that plays them, you have nothing.
I don't know, just try to be fucking happy for once. try to find the good in shit. read a book,
go outside, something. don't even know why I'm posting this on a vietnamese animal husbandry
site, I know nobody will listen.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)11:36:52 No.3009447
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)11:38:24 No.3009449
>Better than ANYTHING
U fahhny joek
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)11:51:00 No.3009450
They're just using the wrong scapegoat.
Undertale is great.
However, its community is equally as cancerous a Hamsteak, probably because it contains the exact
same people.
Undertale is like Hamsteak without most of the shit; it has a great soundtrack, an alright,
character-oriented story, a distinct visual style, a relatively original gameplay gimmick, some
(overdone) humor and a simple hero plot and, most importantly, it isn't five fucking years long
with dumb, convoluted bullshit.
I'd say it's better than Homosuck.
Its community makes fetish porn and smut of its humorous and slightly developed characters to
mentally deranged levels.
I don't see any difference.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)11:52:39 No.3009451
Go back to le reddit.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)11:56:22 No.3009454
>It's okay to be an angry faggot and spew vitriol about games you haven't even given a chance
because it's 4chan
Gee it sure is /v/ in here
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)12:09:33 No.3009456
>It's okay to be an angry faggot and spew vitriol about games you haven't even given a chance
because it's 4chan
Yes? That's exactly how it works!
Anyway: I've read all of Homestuck, because it was promising at first, but only stuck with it out
of boredom. The only good thing I can say about it is that the chumps who make music for it are
really good at what they do. Hussie should've just stuck with making silly convoluted stuff
instead of this serious convoluted bullshit.
Blundertale, on the other hand, is at least a decent game once you get past the shit community.
Overrated, yeah, but kind of enjoyable to play.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)12:13:04 No.3009457
And Toby Fox, the guy who participated in all the good music in Homosuck, made this game. He's
damn good at catchy, thematic music.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)12:17:34 No.3009458
Hmmm... have you considered trying to not be a giant bastard? Real emotions are okay, you don't
have to be only hate.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)12:18:59 No.3009459
What games have you developed recently?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)12:24:28 No.3009461
Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings by directing you back to a safe space community?
Try not to get triggered, please.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)12:34:11 No.3009464
No, really, if this is how you're going to behave just leave. If you're the kind of person who
uses "it's okay to have emotions" as an argument, you aren't gonna have a good time here.
This is the last place on the internet where people are allowed to have an opinion, no matter
what it is. Sure, maybe that guy only dislikes Dundertale because it's popular and the community
is largely the same as the Hamsteak community. So what? That's just as valid as the people on the
other end of the spectrum who treat a game like a hugbox and claim it's infallible, and take any
insult to the game as though it was personally directed at them.
So what if someone gets offended? Part of being a developed human is learning not to take things
personally, especially if it's not even directed at you.
This website is all about throwing your thoughts into the pot regardless of how developed or
undeveloped they are, and if people disagree they're expected to call you a faggot. This is 4chan
101, here. There are plenty of other places to hang out of you want "real emotions."
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)13:09:13 No.3009475
Now I want to play Sonny again
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)13:31:19 No.3009478
Undertale is a fantastic game.
The only people who dislike it are the edgy, paranoid and miserable /pol/tards and other autists
who hate anything with a happy message because their lives are such shit.
One day they will learn to feel again and then they will admit UT is the GOAT.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)13:33:35 No.3009480
Undertale is GOAT.
Anyone saying it is GOAT is fucking cancer, because everyone cannot just stop raving on about it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)13:34:16 No.3009482
I don't know, never played it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)13:42:21 No.3009483
/pol/ corrupted my heart.
/undertale/ fixed it.
Thank you Toby.
I feel like a kid again.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:19:21 No.3009495
There is no coming back from the redpill =( you must suffer with us .
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:28:44 No.3009497
I am not strong enough mentally.
I already deleted my 10gb Trump meme folder.
I need blue pills... lots of blue pills... or suppositories
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:39:27 No.3009504
Undertale was a 10/10 game for me. That's not to say it was the best game ever, but it was
definitely really good. I just don't get the appeal of calling a good game shit. Even if I don't
personally like a game, I can acknowledge when one is of quality.
That being said, like most things, the fanbase is cancer.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:39:55 No.3009505
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:41:02 No.3009506
I got a suppository for you right here
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:42:30 No.3009507
>Someone posts homestuck
>Talk about Undertale
what the fuck is wrong with you people?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:43:49 No.3009508
>Better than Undertale in everyway.
Are you stupid? And that's ancient 4chan tradition anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:48:45 No.3009510
go slow senpai... ;_;
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)14:52:14 No.3009514
Undertale was literally just fucking okay. It had its charm, and I enjoyed it within the first
week or two of its release. I never even saw that much hype for it to begin with, I bought it on
a recommendation. And then Tumblr said, let there be cancer. Case in point, nothing good ever
lasts, and calling Undertale a great game is generous. I'm not even sticking all the blame on
sites like Tumblr, it's the community as a whole, and it's probably the game's fault to begin
with for being edgy bullshit.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:21:10 No.3009526
You are fucking retarded if you saw no correlations whatsoever between Homosuck and Undermeme.
Toby Fox took a lot of inspiration and concepts for Homesuck, of course that comparison will be
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:27:05 No.3009530
You sure are mad.
Baby need his bottle?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:29:09 No.3009531
>Its community makes fetish porn and smut of its humorous and slightly developed characters to
mentally deranged levels.
this describes every game that's reasonably popular
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:31:50 No.3009535
The problem is in scale.
And, currently, Undertale is more cancerous than Homosuck by how many people circlejerk over it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:33:52 No.3009539
I'm not seeing the problem with more porn
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:34:57 No.3009540
You're just acting like a baby.
Yes many people are "jerking" over it because many people like it. Popular things get talked
about. Just because your unhappy ass doesn't like it won't change that.
I agree that part of its fanbase its cancerous by SJW weirdos trying to find some social message
in everything they can but it is easily ignored unless you're a mental midget.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:36:07 No.3009542
I love me some Asriel R34.
Wanna suck that goat gods cock.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:41:07 No.3009545
Come the fuck on, man.
You can't just ignore it when autists try to shove it into any other popular thing at any point.
Hell, even unpopular stuff. You can't ignore that one mongoloid called ILuvUndyne with a fish
meme avatar that talks about Undertale 50% of the time and sucking cocks for the rest.
I'm not saying these mouthbreathers are isolated to just Undertale, and they clearly just follow
the latest fad so they may garner the most attention and jerked circles as possible, and this is
indeed a more overarching issue than just Undertale, but it's still a cancer, no matter where it
metastasized from.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:42:26 No.3009546
so what do you want us to do about it?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:44:13 No.3009550
Have I ever implied that I want anyone to do anything about it?
If I did, I'm sorry, because you cannot make people less dumb.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:45:23 No.3009551
Well I still think you can separate the normal fans from the SJW weirdos always looking to
support their deranged evil social agendas.
Yes people like them are annoying and they are infuriating and I wish they didn't exist but....
life isn't logical or fair.
But still.. let the normal fans jerk over a new game they like.
I barely ever play new games and its refreshing for me to find a new one I like and yeah the
message is kinda sappy but its good for the soul to go that way sometimes.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)15:46:56 No.3009553
I know that it's still nothing but the minority (I hope to fucking God), but I can't just
overlook human stupidity.
And the only reason I actually enjoyed Undertale was because I played it within one week of its
release and nobody was hyping it yet.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:04:51 No.3009562
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:07:55 No.3009563
that shit wont work now faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:08:10 No.3009564
I like how some people here still want to convince each other that their own opinion is less
shitty than that of other people, especially on 4chan. This isn't even /v/.
Can't we just accept that every being and bot in here has horrible taste when it comes to
existing and go on with our lives?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:10:36 No.3009566
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:11:22 No.3009568
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:12:38 No.3009569
is that a cock in your ass or are you just GAY
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:17:06 No.3009572
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:19:59 No.3009577
That's not even how it works.
This is stupid. You are stupid. Someone delete this thread.
Also dubs.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:21:52 No.3009578
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:22:18 No.3009579
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:22:48 No.3009580
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:23:44 No.3009581
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:30:33 No.3009587
4 Naked Men walking down the road causing a heap of trouble for those concerned!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:47:37 No.3009597
What bothers me the most isn't even any of this bant, it's that part at the beginning where the
guy split the meteor in half. That would do absolutely nothing to save anyone. The two halves
would each hit the earth with a combined force equal to that of the big meteor.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:53:43 No.3009605
Half of it, since matter matters in this matter. Force is equal to mass times acceleration.
> That would do absolutely nothing to save anyone. The two halves would each hit the earth
That's exactly what happens with all the fire and shit, isn't it?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)16:59:54 No.3009609
He was cutting it in half for the sake of cutting it in half. Bro works in mysterious ways.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)17:02:04 No.3009611
You, sir, are an exemplar of good reasoning.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)17:04:31 No.3009613
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/16(Thu)17:20:37 No.3009617