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Discovered:22/1 -2016 22:26:19

Ended:23/1 -2016 01:51:12

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[_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)16:21:14 No.3005115

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)16:40:48 No.3005127

  good memes

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:04:06 No.3005147

  no sillier or or any less legitimate then any of the other religions we still have around.
  only difference is most modern day people in secular nations aren't naive & uneducated about the
  world and how shit works so they won't fall for it as people in the past sadly did.

  Anyway I would much rather find out that one of my friends is part of some self help cult/scam
  then being a Muslim or some shit and following the "life advice" of some dumb ultra violent
  warlord from a million years ago.

  So yeah it would actually rank rather high on my list among the well known religions though all
  of them are stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:06:52 No.3005150

  *tips fedora*

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:13:37 No.3005155

  You sure showed us how intellectual you are by your repeated emphasis how stupid religion is.
  >tip tip m'lady

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:18:56 No.3005159

  I actually have a deep respect for Christianity but other then that I hate most religions.
  One other exception would be Buddhism but I am not sure that is a religion.

  The fact is if you choose to live your life based on a book written by "some guy" from ancient
  times then you're a fucking moron.

  I mean at the very least you should read the book and judge for yourself if the ideas in it are
  logical, moral and are right for you.
  But anyone who just follows rules/advice from some ancient dude because they are stupid enough to
  believe god wrote it are idiots.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:25:08 No.3005162

  >I actually have a deep respect for Christianity
  >The fact is if you choose to live your life based on a book written by "some guy" from ancient
  times then you're a fucking moron.
  Are you really this retarded? You are aware of that the bible was written by "some guy", right?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:35:24 No.3005168

  Yes I am aware and I am not saying I approve of it but I respect it far more then most other
  religions because of a few logical reasons.
  Also the origins of Christianity are far less sketchy then later religions like Islam which were
  painfully awful and involved numerous re-writes, sect splits and rampant plagiarization which
  make taking it seriously as some sort of "holy" book laughable.

  Plus Europe & America were mostly Christrian nations are their birth... and for most of their
  existence so they slowly became more and more secularlized.
  The fact that great places like that came into existence and produced so much while under the
  Christian flag also gives me more respect for it.
  As an American I can't ignore the large role it played in my history which is why I have respect
  for it.

  Anyway im rambling and probably sound dumb but the point is.
  All religions are bad but Christianity is far less bad then say... Islam.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:43:06 No.3005174

  euphoric comment

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:45:18 No.3005175

  Your balls are Euphoric kid.
  take a hike

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:45:59 No.3005176

  Okay, Imma just give you some info you might have missed.

  1. Europe wasn't created under Christianity, but rather they were divided, even after most of
  them turned christian, they still made war.

  2. Both the bible and the quran(the muslim bible) are based on the Tanakh(the jewish bible).
  All three say some terrible shit. USA used to ignore most of it, but you are now using the old
  testament to justify shit, like no abortion, banning gay marriage, and stopping some research
  from being carried out.

  I'm not saying religion is bad, I believe the people acting on their believe are bad.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:53:56 No.3005180

  >All three say some terrible shit.
  Yeah but the Quran is way worse then the other two and its not particularly close.
  Plus unlike the other two religions the Quran never modernized.

  >I'm not saying religion is bad, I believe the people acting on their believe are bad.
  I disagree.
  Believing you are following the word of god or some sort of holy spirit when you are in fact not
  is bad. That is being decieved or lying to yourself.
  Also people who do bad things because the religion tells them to or supports it is still another
  example of why religion is harmful.
  The point is you should never just accept an idea or a rule because someone told you its from
  god. People need to think for themselves and use logic/facts/reason to determine how they should
  live and treat others not just follow the holy rules of Muhammed the greedy beheader.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)17:57:21 No.3005182

  but xenu guys

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:00:43 No.3005185

  To the first point, I wouldn't say the bible modernized, more like it adopted cultures, like
  Christmas, it's actually a heathen holiday, where I live it still has it's original name.
  However, it is still the Christmas you know, Santa just visits us at Christmas night and giving
  in person.

  To the other, I would say that we just gotta disagree. But in my head, if we went with your idea
  that religion makes people bad, we might as well arrest all Muslims for terrorism, and all
  Christians priests for child molestation.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:07:59 No.3005190

  I am not comfortable with any Muslims living in my country unless they are secular and don't take
  the religion seriously like so many Christians who have never even read the bible.
  (but then of course they aren't real Muslims according to the Quran)

  The truth is if you honestly believe in the Quran then you can never truly co-exist in a country
  that isn't under Islamic religious law.

  There is a reason why ALL Muslim majority countries are under Sharia/religious law including the
  ones with great wealth/decent or high standards of living.

  Were I the Monarch of America I would ban Islam.
  Can't have an insular growing culture that is objectively awful and gos against everything the
  founding fathers wanted plus just freedom of thought/expression in general.
  That is like letting a cancer go untreated in your body because.... respect its culture!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:14:31 No.3005202

  We (as in, USA and my country) have freedom of speech, thought, and religion. Because your
  founding fathers wanted that. So don't say you respect them and then say you want to change their
  fundamental laws, in the same breath.

  And if you don't believe in the bible, then what's the point of calling yourself Christian?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:15:43 No.3005204

  It's always gonna be a double edged sword.

  Human beings need hope, they need to believe in something or have faith in something otherwise
  they lose purpose when times are tough.

  On the other hand, you don't want everyone to believe in the same thing. You don't want everyone
  to be told what to believe either which is what would happen if the majority were brainwashed to
  believe something so much that it would be "evil" not to believe in it.

  Long story short - we need things like religion for the masses of people who haven't the
  willpower to go on living when times get tough.
  But we also need people who don't like religion and will never follow it. They should also be
  allowed to not like it and protest against it but not to the point of abolishing religion or
  inflicting harm on those who believe in religious things.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:17:37 No.3005206

  That's actually a really good way of putting it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:19:05 No.3005210

  >On the other hand, you don't want everyone to believe in the same thing.
  Yes you do.
  Atleast on a country by country basis.

  Diversity when it comes to foods/clothes is fine and all but diversity when it comes to
  culture/life beliefs is awful if you're trying to run a successful, stable, peaceful unified

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:21:04 No.3005212

  So you want a circle-jerking echo-chamber?
  Are you from reddit or something?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:23:54 No.3005215

  You want countries to have their own religion but no mixed religions?
  Don't you think that will result in what I was saying above?
  That people will eventually be brainwashed into thinking that their religion is correct and
  everyone who doesn't believe it is "evil"?
  Take ISIS for example, do you think their religion should just completely take over the middle
  east and then you assume it will be a peaceful society?

  You know what would happen right? They'd move on to attacking other countries and preaching that
  their religion is superior once they've controlled the masses in the middle east to think this

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:24:35 No.3005216

  No... I want a country that is united under a good culture and works together if it wants to
  change/advance it further.

  Kind of like how America used to be (relative to the times of course).
  America had a superior culture, superior success and everyone (back then) was proud to be
  American and stood for the same values.
  Yeah we made changes to it over time but we were mostly united in those changes.

  A unified country is much stronger and will be far more successful then a country with a bunch of
  groups in their own bubbles fighting amoungst eachother.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:27:59 No.3005218

  not him but I want a total chaos and some sort of apocalypse (ww3 would be sufficient enough)

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:28:48 No.3005219


  There's no such thing as that - thinking that way is what brings about conflict and slavery.

  How do you think people in the past were treated when people started believing a religion,
  faction, group, country etc. was superior to the rest?

  Nothing good ever came from that.
  Humanity's history is violent, go pick up a book and take a look.
  Your perfect utopia would never work, it's been tried and failed in the past.
  Why do you think it's frowned upon today?
  Again use ISIS as an example.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:30:58 No.3005222

  That's why I would love Trump to be president.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:33:51 No.3005225

  There are many, many religions which are active. Many of them claim to be the "only one true
  religion," but that would not make much sense, would it? They cannot all be the only true
  religion, but even so, all have their value. The many religions are all good to the extent that
  they bring man to God and bring the realization of the Father to man. It is a fallacy for any
  group of religionists to conceive of their creed as The Truth; such attitudes bespeak more of
  theological arrogance than of certainty of faith. There is not a single religion that could not
  profitably study and assimilate the best of the truths contained in every other faith, for all
  contain truth. Religionists would do better to borrow the best in their neighbors' living
  spiritual faith rather than to denounce the worst in their lingering superstitions and outworn

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:35:50 No.3005229

  Trump for President confirmed.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:36:06 No.3005232

  >There's no such thing as that

  I disagree though I can still respect your opinion.

  I know that killing people for being gay is bad.

  If society A kills gays and society B doesn't then I can say that society B is superior.

  I can make a long list why Islamic culture is fucking horrible and why others are better using
  real logic & facts.

  So yeah... some cultures and clearly better then others.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:41:41 No.3005237

  That is all hearsay though.

  Have you experienced all the different religions and cultures for yourself?
  If not then you haven't got the right to even have an opinion of what is "better" or "more

  Some cultures work better than others based on geographical location.
  Some are still around because it's been a part of who they are for thousands of years.
  Some cultures have less freedom than others, some cultures are more racist than others, some
  cultures are more violent than others - yes I know the list goes on.

  But again that doesn't mean that one is better or more superior to the other.

  This is more your perfect living conditions and I hope for your sake you find it somewhere.
  The Amish might be a good one for you.
  They seclude themselves from everyone else and follow things very strictly by the book and for
  the most part are quite peaceful.
  No technology though, but you don't really care too much about that right?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:47:08 No.3005239

  I think you're being too generous even if maybe in a small sense I agree with you.

  Some cultures support ideas/rules that I think are objectively back, stupid or sometimes evil.

  Killing people for being gay is never a good thing no matter what part of the world you live in.
  Restricting freedom of speech/expression is never a good thing.
  Burning women with acid if they disobey or want to leave their husband as is done in some
  cultures is objectively bad.
  You can't act like cultures haven't evolved and that some aren't overall much better then others.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:47:22 No.3005241

  I'll just wait for a mind control device that will unite us all

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)18:56:49 No.3005255

  It depends.
  Some cultures would collapse and many people will die or worse become victims of things worse
  than death due to it being changed so suddenly.
  Cultures can change, sure, but it has to happen over a long period of time.
  I'm talking like hundreds to thousands of years of evolution.
  Like I said many cultures are different but changing cultures to be like other cultures just
  because they have a more "advanced" society won't do anything but create conflict and drive a
  wedge between the good relationships most countries have with one another.

  For example the wedge that has been driven between Arabs and everyone who's not an Arab has been
  And the reason for that is the fact that these villainous people believe that their culture,
  religion and way of life is more superior than that of the rest of the world.

  Let's say you were Donald Trump and you decided that all Americans should push their culture and
  most commonly used religion not only onto their own people but then onto other countries as well.
  What do you think would happen?
  America would be vilified just like ISIS has been - regardless of their methods it's still pretty
  much the same thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:02:03 No.3005261

  >Americans should push their culture and most commonly used religion not only onto their own
  people but then onto other countries as well.

  I do think America should push its own culture onto its own people.
  Nationalism and Patriotism is good for a country.
  We should all be united under our "American culture" like we used to be... those were much better
  days. Nowadays though you have people thinking we never had a culture... its so crazy.

  Anyway I would never wanna push our culture on other countries.
  I am a Nationalist... I despise most globalism.
  People are usually ethnically and culturally different from one country to another and we must
  respect that.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:05:22 No.3005262

  anyway I gotta go.
  good talking to you.

  Vote Trump

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:08:04 No.3005264

  >The Amish... seclude themselves from everyone else and follow things very strictly by the book
  and for the most part are quite peaceful.
  Myth and fallacy. I live in the heart of Amish country, and I can tell you that while they do
  maintain their traditional dress and accoutrements, they mostly do not sequester themselves from
  "Englishers" or the rest of American society at large. They do have their traditional lifestyle,
  but it's heavily evolved into the modern age while still retaining its uniqueness. Some of the
  damned friendliest folks I've met. And the youth are no less party-powered than anyone else...
  except they race their horse carriages instead of Skylines at 3:00 am. Fucking crazy shit, you
  ever seen a tricked-out Amish racing buggy?

  >No technology though, but you don't really care too much about that right?
  They are not at all shy about modern tech. They simply like to live as streamlined as possible.
  The "public phone at the end of the mile for emergencies only" is basically a bygone era.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:08:30 No.3005265

  Well naturally you may disagree with pushing your culture/religion onto other countries but it's
  not up to you.
  Put yourself in the shoes of everyone else.
  What do you think they would want to do?
  Do you think they would just sit around in America and stay there?
  Two outcomes:
  1. They stay in America never leaving over time believing that their country is superior and all
  the other countries are nothing compared to them - the relationship between America and everyone
  else would decline pretty heavily.
  2. Americans travel outside of America and preach to other countries or to the people of those
  countries to convince them that they should "convert" to the American way of life.
  Again you will see conflict and a strong wedge being put between America and the rest of the

  The theory sounds great on paper, but if you put into practice it falls apart pretty quickly.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:11:47 No.3005269

  >all Americans should push their culture and most commonly used religion not only onto their own
  people but then onto other countries as well.
  >What do you think would happen?

  americanization is still a thing you know

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:11:56 No.3005270

  There is more than 1 Amish settlement - I assume you've been to some more lax ones.
  I wasn't being overly critical about that - I was simply stating their average daily way of life.
  Some live slightly different based on their community, location, type of settlement.
  Like I said there are a lot more than just a few that maybe you have seen/lived in.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:14:25 No.3005272

  Yes but it is inverted.
  Americans don't go out and push their culture onto others.
  Immigrants who come to America are Americanized so that they fit into society there.
  That doesn't mean they give up everything they believe in their previous country - it just means
  they've assimilated American beliefs/customs etc.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:16:07 No.3005275

  >1. They stay in America never leaving over time believing that their country is superior and all
  the other countries are nothing compared to them - the relationship between America and everyone
  else would decline pretty heavily.

  And yet in the past that was exactly how it was and we were beloved/envyed by most of the world.

  We really did have a superior culture/peoples and were way more successful then anyone else
  because of it.

  Had we not been degraded by greedy globalists, mass immigration and other modern cancers we'd be
  a golden society today instead of.... whatever the hell we've degraded into.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:20:38 No.3005280

  Well times have changed and everyone/everything is evolving.
  Look at North Korea, they are doing the exact thing you want America to do.
  Look at their image, they are completely united as a country but all alone.
  Look at South Korea, they have a good relationship with the other countries.

  I know it's not 100% how things would play out for America, but to make things easier use North
  Korea as an example.

  If you want a country like that, well, prepare to be hated, for the most part.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:22:48 No.3005281

  Nope, I'm regularly ALL over PA from NJ to OH, northern WV, MD... It's as I represented it.
  There are indeed many many "pockets" of hyper-traditionalism deep in some very rural areas, and
  yes, they fully fit the stereotype, but are a very small minority and are seen by the greater
  Amish community as, well, antiques. The uninitiated would never tell them apart should they meet
  them, but then again, you'd never meet one of the hyper-traditionalists in Home Depot looking for
  shear pins for his snow blower, kek.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:24:42 No.3005283

  >If you want a country like that, well, prepare to be hated, for the most part.

  Well to be frank I could care less if other countries like or hate us.

  And I agree that everything is evolving but I think the evolution is often driven not by a desire
  for good but for the greed of individuals.
  Much of the progress has been bad... along with some good.
  Overall though I think we came off the tracks decades ago.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:26:53 No.3005286

  Like I said, I wasn't being overly critical about it.
  I never said they reject technology, I said "no technology" rather loosely.
  Obviously they're selective with their tech.

  But for the most part they still follow the old school ideals and traditions - which was the
  point I was trying to make originally.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:27:00 No.3005287

  dude the quran has had less translations than the bible

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:30:43 No.3005291

  Well there are definitely disadvantages to having not so good relations with other countries.
  But I think we should just agree to disagree at this point.
  Thread is gonna die soon anyway.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:30:59 No.3005292

  the fact you can't differentiate between then and than really undermines your entire argument

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:31:33 No.3005293

  >North Korea
  There is no such thing. That's simply Communist China's penis dangling there. Understand that.
  They are not alone, they are an appendage wholly supported by the Big Boys in Beijing.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:32:39 No.3005295


>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:32:39 No.3005296

  >Look at North Korea, their image, they are completely united as a country but all alone.

  don't let the propaganda fool you m8

  I'm not from best korea but from a country that belonged to eastern block, that did this in the
  70s, we were united, we were proud, we were communists and we merely had enough to buy some
  luxury, and by a luxury I mean a fucking jeans (made in USA of course) or some fucking good
  shoes, or a trip once a year, and by a trip I mean a trip inside the borders, and everyone wanted
  to leave and go to US and fucking A and never come back

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:33:36 No.3005299

  that dick in your tush undermines your argument.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:34:26 No.3005300

  What do you mean?
  They aren't united?

  I never said that they had a good life there or anything if that's what you thought I meant.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:36:53 No.3005302

  Undermines his colon too.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:46:28 No.3005311

  just look at this

  it looks cool and you can achieve a lot of great things if you're united but the regime you're
  under and what it gives you as an individual is mostly crap

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/16(Fri)19:50:23 No.3005312

  Yes this I know.

  This was part of the reason I was saying that a united country is not exactly the best ideal.

  North Korea makes it work to some degree but it pays the price in doing so.

  It sounds like you're supporting my argument, was that what you were doing?
  Sorry I didn't understand to begin with.
Created: 22/1 -2016 22:26:19 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:47:09 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:54:55