File: Check'em.swf-(443 KB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:37:52 No.2999147
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:41:31 No.2999158
>fails at predicting post number on one of the slowest boards.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)18:46:44 No.2999173
too soon
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)19:20:02 No.2999224
oh dear, someone just got a calculator for their birthday!
Buck up, kiddo, it's actually easy to count once you know how.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)21:28:53 No.2999329
how can you be this retarded
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)21:30:02 No.2999330
you were more than 800 fucking posts off
how stupid can you be?