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This is resource SKBT38D, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/12 -2015 02:14:00
9.2 years ago.

Ended:11/12 -2015 04:47:29
9.2 years ago.

Checked:11/12 -2015 06:29:40
9.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: ello_poppet.swf-(7.87 MB, 500x232, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)20:11:00 No.2974057

>> [_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)20:29:28 No.2974062

  I don't know the movie and don't really care but, clearly, the point of this scene is to build up
  the tension.
  Imagine the scene: A bunch of shaggy-looking men find a lone women in a cart. she can't run and
  is basically hoping to dear god that:
  1. They have a really good moral core and satiated libido
  2. They have a really good moral core and satiated libido
  Unless, obviously that has been already made clear in previous scenes; but that I can't know, and
  don't care, about right about now.
  So, my question is: did they?
  >TL;DR go fucking read it you twat.
  >TTL;DR how's having the attention span of a five years old doing for you?
  >TTL;DR goddammit, did they fuck her?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)20:44:22 No.2974066

  even for retarded shit like this swfchan is a good place to go to
  >I don't remember there being this much oogling of the chick in the movie, nor did the rape scene
  get very far. It was interrupted by the guy the movie was made after. You get a few nice ass
  shots, but they're stopped before the raep.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)20:46:01 No.2974067

  oh hey thanks. also that's a good point I'll make sure to check swfchan next time.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)21:17:45 No.2974089

  damn, we got an /f/ veteran here.

  I haven't seen this one in a long time

>> [_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)21:19:38 No.2974090

  It's posted at least once every other month.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)22:10:58 No.2974119

  I always lol'd at this seeing some random aboriginal guy in there and wondering how he got a job
  in the film industry instead of sniffing paint and getting drunk in the middle of the day on a
  busy street in the gutter.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)22:21:05 No.2974125

  That bead of sweat on the guy's forehead...

>> [_] Anonymous 12/10/15(Thu)22:44:23 No.2974132

  The Outlaw Josey Wales.
  It's a classic and Clint Eastwood is a super badass in it.
  Hell, I'm going to watch it right now.

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Created: 11/12 -2015 02:14:00 Last modified: 11/12 -2015 06:29:42 Server time: 13/03 -2025 22:59:35