File: Go /f/uck yourself.swf-(8.78 MB, 848x480, Anime)
[_] /f/'s been awful this year Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)07:00:00 No.2971476
In general, 2015 was a horrible year for 4chan. Even /a/ has been going down the shitter.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)07:35:45 No.2971488
source of song and cartoon plz family :-DDD
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)07:47:38 No.2971490
And yet I'm still here
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)08:09:17 No.2971497
go away, I am the only samefag on /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)08:14:12 No.2971499
/a/ I might understand but /f/ doesn't really change much.
Even then, it's all the same shit anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)08:40:48 No.2971508
how do you know that?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)10:06:52 No.2971536
>huehuehue doesn't change
Well, it changed ALOT since 2011/12 and then there's been this AWEFUL time after captchas came,
where it was practically impossible to enjoy browsing /f/
Quality went up again (thx god), but it's still been mostly youtube videos converted.
SWFAnts converter tool may ensured better quality to those videos, but it also opened the
floodgates to even more shameless video conversion.
/f/ - Youtube video and old Shockwave files
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)11:27:22 No.2971571
>newfriend sighted
Also 4chan has gone down the shitter since I'd say 2010/2011 because no one who browses here
intends to post good content anymore. People love to shitpost because autism and on all of the
other boards people's same, low effort threads are getting eaten up by the people who come to the
respective boards for their one, low effort, low thinking, thing. All of the epic things that
happened on 4chan happened back when the internet as a whole still wasn't a mainstream thing.
Ever since, anyone non-autistic/don't care about good content has left, and dispersed to other
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)12:30:51 No.2971606
Darude - Sandstorm and Naruto Shippuden, respectively desu senpai
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)12:39:38 No.2971611
For someone calling others new, you sure do write like a newfag yourself
>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/15(Mon)13:12:26 No.2971629
This will never get old.