File: kagura_umbrella.swf-(1.79 MB, 720x576, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)11:24:02 No.3010049
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)12:48:17 No.3010095
Funny how good this sounds when it doesn't have Rihanna's god awful voice singing it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)13:06:15 No.3010111
was expecting a different kagura, rip best inuyasha girl
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)14:52:32 No.3010197
damn man i havent seen this since i started on /f/ years ago 8/10 made me nostalgia
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)15:14:20 No.3010218
always so cringeworthy to see these things, people getting impressed at swing or metal or
classical covers of pop songs, being all "wow this is so much better than the original, I can
tell as I am a man of elite^TM tastes"
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)15:47:07 No.3010244
Countering contrarians only perpetuates the loop.
Oh, and have a proper trademark sign for the next time you need it
: ™
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)17:39:17 No.3010336
Gintama needs to get more love on this board.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)17:49:50 No.3010345
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)17:51:54 No.3010347
Same, lol. Only had to see the filename for the nostalgia to kick in
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)17:55:43 No.3010351
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/16(Fri)18:01:52 No.3010353
Episode 111 of Gintama
Originally with this OST: