File: DoctorPixel_v150.swf-(644 KB, 640x480, Other)
[_] Get ready a new dose is in the process of being made Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)05:49:19 No.2991552
Going to be placing doses in well known movies - will try and do one once a month if I have time.
Prepare your anuses.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)05:50:29 No.2991554
Cocks expand in your mouth.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)06:29:59 No.2991571
Thanks Doc.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)08:42:55 No.2991601
Excited to see it doc
>> [_] fuck you 01/04/16(Mon)09:15:42 No.2991621
i love cocks there so juicy and pussy i love that its so wet and gummy
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/16(Mon)09:19:28 No.2991623
ty doc