/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5192 |
This is resource VGIEFCZ, an Archived Thread.
Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16. Discovered flash files: 1 There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files). / > /fap/ > Thread 8206 Age: 44.17d Health: 1% Posters: 12 Posts: 16 Replies: 14 Files: 1+3 >> Anonymous 17dec2015(th)23:55 No.26108 OP P1 Bedplay oh lawdy it's on newgrounds. [IMG] 667288_bedplay-fixedhttps-issue.swf (6.57 MiB) 1280x900, Compressed. 6 frames, 60 fps (00:00). Ver17, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Takitak 18dec2015(fr)00:11 No.26109 A P2R1 custom characters how to >> Anonymous 19dec2015(sa)10:24 No.26160 B P3R2 Even if I was into furfaggotry, these eyes would still creep me out. >> Anonymous 19dec2015(sa)17:58 No.26162 C P4R3 This is such a well-done flash game. Why is it wasted on gay furry shit? >> Anonymous 19dec2015(sa)23:42 No.26169 D P5R4 >>26162 why do you post this on every furry animation it's not even gay you retard, there's a female in it. >> Anonymous 20dec2015(su)02:09 No.26170 E P6R5 human mod when? >> Anonymous 20dec2015(su)03:16 No.26171 F P7R6 >>26170 That'd be nice. >> Anonymous 20dec2015(su)05:41 No.26172 G P8R7 Well, here's a list of custom chars Didn't check if there's a difference between Genesis_f and genesis_female, but they're female, so, there you are. >> Anonymous 20dec2015(su)06:52 No.26173 D P9R8 I personally love fek. He's so modest and so nice <3 >> Anonymous 20dec2015(su)09:48 No.26175 H P10R9 >>26172 This just in; No difference, still good tho Now for the waiting game for people to pay him to put in their customs >> Anonymous 20dec2015(su)14:41 No.26176 D P11R10 >>26175 people don't actually pay him, they pay other people. >> Anonymous 20dec2015(su)23:48 No.26181 I P12R11 custom characters don't seem to work for me, it always just loads the default characters, even though i put the url in >> Anonymous 20dec2015(su)23:51 No.26182 I P13 ah, had to keep the url box open when starting, but now it gives me an error. >> Anonymous 21dec2015(mo)02:55 No.26184 G P14R12 Also Is female, too and different from the others. >> Anonymous 22dec2015(tu)01:19 No.26195 J P15R13 You can do multiple instances of all the user tools at once (only one type at a time though) by activating one, right clicking to bring up the flash menu, and then moving the mouse and right clicking again. >> Anonymous 22dec2015(tu)13:09 No.26208 K P16R14 kill yourself |