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/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
This is resource W1WZILF, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2967922 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 2. Discovered flash files: 1
File: My_Mom_Cries.swf-(4.96 MB, 294x240, Other) [_] My Mom Cries 12/03/15(Thu)09:26:26 No.2967922 >> [_] Anonymous 12/03/15(Thu)09:37:47 No.2967924 Fuck the child. Broke ass ghetto women shouldn't be having children. Even coming from a wealthy family I would never have a child before I was financially stable and able to easily support it. Fuck a helping hand. Stupid decisions have consequences that should be paid. |