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This is resource WJNVOWM, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/1 -2016 13:22:57

Ended:10/1 -2016 19:35:17

Checked:10/1 -2016 19:51:12

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Louis CK - White People.swf-(8.12 MB, 176x144, Other)
[_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)07:19:23 No.2995579

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)07:25:03 No.2995583

  inb4 the replies

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)08:59:13 No.2995650

  the repiles

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)09:17:16 No.2995662

  I don't get it, is he supposed to be funny?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)10:00:17 No.2995714

  Go enjoy your Aspergers..

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)11:26:24 No.2995882

  It alright bud, I can't fuck with the cuck either.
  Ya know it makes me ponder my website choices when even at 4chan I appear to be the outcast.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:08:10 No.2995901


>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:14:58 No.2995906

  What the cuck?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:20:06 No.2995908



>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:22:04 No.2995911

  It's a joke.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:25:53 No.2995917

  Its the worlds most inaccurate and worst historical satire.
  The real truth is this world would be nothing but a mountain of shit for an extra four hundred
  years, maybe more, without European colonization.
  Note, "white people" do not exist.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:26:10 No.2995918

  >every thing white people make is horrible
  In a building designed and built by white people
  speaking through a white invented microphone amplifying his voice through the white invented
  speaker system


>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:37:37 No.2995922


>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:39:38 No.2995924

  Watch it. It's not historical satire. It's a few jokes about a few groups. One example. Notice
  (or not, because you didn't watch it) how he talked as if white people are uniquely bad, but
  glossed over Mexicans cutting off people's heads? The group being made fun of here are people who
  dis European history.

  >hurr I'm gonna make assumptions half a second through
  Am I on YT right now?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:53:11 No.2995926

  >white people are uniquely bad, but glossed over Mexicans cutting off people's heads? The group
  being made fun of here are people who dis European history.
  Except its an absolutely and blatantly false historical satire. "white people" are not in any way
  uniquely "bad" or "good", you're trying to apply those principles to history then you have to
  apply them to ALL of history. All peoples around the world have such a history of colonization,
  genocide, war, and conquest.
  Take the Turkish empire for example, the worlds largest empire and largest historical enslaver.
  They killed millions upon millions of people and enslaved entire countries to work for them. They
  colonized and subjugated peoples to much larger effect than any other group known to man.
  Europeans are a smidgin upon a Turkish history.
  Or how about the mongols? The hoards were the most destructive wave to ever ride this earth,
  raping, pillaging, and destroying everything in their path.
  How about the three kingdoms period in China? They slaughtered 75% of their own fucking
  SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT! of their own!

  Now what kind of "horrible" deeds have Europeans done?
  Colonized the world and attempted to bring the universes most advanced and orderly and successful
  culture to the globe. There was also a lot of death, enslavement, and colonization; but nothing
  "uniquely bad".

  Noam Chomsky go away.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:53:19 No.2995927

  what a cuck holy shit
  why dont you go to a black people dominate country and tell me how great it is

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:54:21 No.2995928

  >Am I on YT right now?
  said is pretty much factual with or without the conjecture.
  Practically 90% of the worlds modern technological advances came from Europeans and their
  decedents around the globe.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)12:57:46 No.2995932

  Yes I see your attempt to rationalize the "jokes" he made and polish off as he wasn't ragging
  upon Europeans.
  But his point was clear, one line about aztecs doesn't dismiss everything he said.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)13:05:18 No.2995939

  >Completely missing the point.
  Is this bait or are you autistic? I'm not saying they are. He was talking AS IF white people were
  uniquely bad and gave an example that he's just bullshitting, but gave a bullshit reason for it
  after that you might hear from someone dissing white people.

  The above.

  Topkek. It's satire of people who rag on Europeans. How can you guys not understand?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)13:09:08 No.2995943

  Except it isn't. Read >>2995932
  He makes one joke upon the savage Aztecks, and continues his rant.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)13:14:32 No.2995949

  That's part of the joke you cuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/16(Sun)13:34:39 No.2995961

  Never really been a fan of comedians.

  It's usually aimed towards the typical run of the mill person.
  For example let's look at that game show Jeopardy; so many misconceptions about intelligence here.
  The main reason the show was created was to entertain your typical run of the mill person. And
  why does it do that? It's simple, things like that don't require much thinking or intelligence.
  In fact all it requires is good memory and retentiveness for useless information.
  It's the same with comedians, they relate to other people's ability to remember something they
  are joking about and know that they will laugh at it because the audience is too stupid to refute
  what they just said.
Created: 10/1 -2016 13:22:57 Last modified: 10/1 -2016 19:51:23 Server time: 07/01 -2025 03:00:04