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This is resource WU5PTH2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/1 -2016 07:46:59

Ended:18/1 -2016 10:57:23

Checked:18/1 -2016 12:24:22

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: peri_dance.swf-(1.37 MB, 1920x1080, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)01:35:06 No.3001718

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)01:50:48 No.3001723

  >the Pearl animation will never be finished

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)01:53:10 No.3001724

  Once again Zone makes flashes of characters I never heard of.
  Back to Zone's old work to fap again I go...

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)02:41:04 No.3001751

  I'm pretty sure it's already finished, in the sense that it was never meant to be "finished".

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)02:48:38 No.3001757

  Steven Universe.
  Why, of all reasons, did he choose this series, not to mention this character, is beyond me.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)02:52:10 No.3001760

  the show is good, it's the fandum that makes it seem like tumblr shit

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)02:56:11 No.3001762

  I know it is.
  But for lewds, I.. don't know. So many things to try.

  If he decides to do a full animation of Peridot, then it will play a LOT with her personality.
  Otherwise, trash.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)03:08:44 No.3001767

  >seem like tumblr shit
  It doesn't seem like it, it is tumblr shit. Are you trying to justify watching degenerate filth?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)03:18:48 No.3001771

  i just like the music

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)03:43:11 No.3001778

  Burining up by ladytron

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)04:15:03 No.3001789

  >Fun fact: I’ve only seen the most recent episode of Steven Universe (and possibly episode 1 when
  it originally aired although I can’t remember it). I thought Peridot was pretty adorable though,
  so I decided to make this simple dance animation on a day off from my other, more complicated

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)04:20:55 No.3001793

  Zone's a guy?

  sorry im a bit slow

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)04:22:21 No.3001794

  I'm really getting older when I don't know the hip new cartoons the kids are watching

  4chan is increasingly turning into a place for a generation I can't relate to

  This doesn't feel good

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)04:35:15 No.3001802


>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/16(Mon)04:56:07 No.3001811

  I thought Ladytron stopped doing stuff like... what, 10 years ago?
  Now he's put that on the table.... time to catch up.
Created: 18/1 -2016 07:46:59 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:45:14 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:09:56