File: Monthly Dose.swf-(2.92 MB, 320x200, Japanese)
[_] 'sup, /int/? Anonymous 11/28/15(Sat)23:03:45 No.2963626
>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/15(Sat)23:17:28 No.2963633
wait which kamen rider is this from?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/15(Sat)23:21:48 No.2963638
decade, but he's visiting the world of Hibiki
decade has one of the best main rider designs of the heisei era.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/15(Sat)23:55:20 No.2963657
Do they normally fight with musical instruments, or just when they're fighting giant seafood?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/15(Sat)23:58:26 No.2963659
Those from the Hibiki do. Though I think this was better then any of the Hibiki things, and it's
from Decade just visiting Hibiki.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/15(Sat)23:59:19 No.2963661
in Hibiki the whole series revolves around the instrument-based powers. Decade just does whatever
the fuck he wants. Tsubasa doesn't give a fuck.
>meet some other rider in a weird world
>work with him to beat up furries
>he turns out to be a furry
>turn him into giant gun to blow them all up
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)00:13:45 No.2963669
I want to watch more Toku stuff, but I'm terrified if I add Riders and Sentai and whatnot to my
watch list, it'll fucking triple my spending on toys and figures...
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)00:18:47 No.2963672
What...The... actual fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)00:21:39 No.2963675
>he hasn't seen kamen rider
anon plz its actually fun stuff.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/15(Sun)01:32:26 No.2963741