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This is resource XE9DMZS, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/12 -2015 19:05:53

Ended:21/12 -2015 21:38:44

Checked:21/12 -2015 21:56:16

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 27.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: This Board.swf-(1.03 MB, 640x368, Other)
[_] This board Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)12:20:28 No.2981683

  Its all .Swfull

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)12:28:28 No.2981685

  You just don't appreciate /f/ culture

>> [_] Jehova 12/21/15(Mon)12:30:40 No.2981688

  I want shitty youtube rips to leave.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)12:33:55 No.2981689

  Fool me once, im mad.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)12:37:45 No.2981693

  fool me twice, how could you?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)12:38:07 No.2981694

  Fool me twice, how could you?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)12:58:46 No.2981708

  no i just don't appreciate shitty flashs.
  Can i get some potato kanishes?
  How about jackie chan?
  Not this dick headed stuttering john shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)13:00:38 No.2981709

  >no i just don't appreciate shitty flashs.
  >Can i get some potato kanishes?
  pick one.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)13:04:18 No.2981710

  kanishes is an /f/ classic and a good addition to the culture

  that faggy shit "daily dose" is the cancer that needs getting rid of.
  I realize its become a part of the culture but that doesn't mean its a good addition.
  we'd be far better off without it.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)13:11:20 No.2981712

  >The only "classic" and "good additions" to the culture are the ones I personally like

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)13:15:21 No.2981718

  Well if it makes you feel any better I would be willing to get rid of Kanishes if Daily dose went
  along with it.

  I really just don't get the appeal of daily dose.
  I find it visually repulsive even after all these years and I don't find it at all funny or
  endearing either.
  Get rid of that bullshit...

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)13:19:47 No.2981722

  Someone needs their medicine.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)13:21:49 No.2981725

  >Potato knishes
  >Not a shoehorned meme
  Pick one.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:11:11 No.2981749

  Yeah, it's not that great today.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:22:24 No.2981757

  daily dose ebin maymays kinda ruined it, along with ironically gay bullshit

  You are watching a shirtless man moaning in BDSM clothes. You are fucking gay. There's no irony
  on it

  That said some new stuff pops once in a while. Is more than you can say about 80% of 4chan anyway

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:26:28 No.2981763

  >You are watching a shirtless man moaning in BDSM clothes. You are fucking gay. There's no irony
  on it
  You aren't officially gay until your lips have touched balls.
  Just watching some gay shit on /f/ won't do it.

>> [_] Tripfag420 12/21/15(Mon)14:44:41 No.2981791


>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:47:57 No.2981794

  >You aren't officially gay until your lips have touched balls.
  No. You're gay/bi once you fap to / have sex with men.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:48:55 No.2981795

  >Having sex with men makes you gay
  Get a load of this fag.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:50:11 No.2981798

  this anon is right
  traps don't count as men
  thus I'm still straight as a pencil

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:50:33 No.2981799

  Your lips have to touch the balls.
  Then you're gay.

  I don't make the rules I just follow them.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:50:44 No.2981800

  Good thing this isnt tumblr or else we would have someone explaining to you that what you are
  saying is not the case and that really you are a sandwich if you fap to and/or have sex with men.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)14:58:48 No.2981806

  Computers are pixels.
  You can't lose your masculinity or become gay by masturbating to pixels.
  Pixels are not men or women they are pixels.

  Sex with a man is different but also won't nessasarily make you gay.
  Now if your lips touch his balls or if you kiss his balls then you're gay.
  The spirit of masculinity is lost.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)15:03:47 No.2981810

  You are truly Uncle Wizard.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)15:33:19 No.2981848

  if you don't like the content, make new content to replace it with.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)15:34:27 No.2981850

  >missing the point of daily dose

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/15(Mon)15:35:46 No.2981853

  so, you can stick his dick in your mouth all the way up until you reach his balls, and you're not
  gay yet, no masculinity has been lost.
  but the moment you make contact with his balls you're gay?

  yeah, no. pretty sure once his penis is voluntarily inside you you're gay.
Created: 21/12 -2015 19:05:53 Last modified: 21/12 -2015 21:56:27 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:19:15